Hello Guys, i want to share with u my mirror , hope you like it , (btw it still need a rework for the design )
the mirror is equiped with an oxymetre that can mesure the bpm and the oxygen in your body,
also with a camera for the face recognition (the display is always off, until someone who’s known by the mirror come in front it (someone who already got a picture for himself in the local database named by his name) then the mirror will turn on the display for 5 minutes and talks to you , example : my name is Adem , when i stand in front the mirror in the morning , it will turn on the display and say “good morning adem” or "how was your sleep "… and many of other phrase , it depend the time always , if it is night , it will says “it’s time to go to bed”, “how was your day”… etc , in this concept , hope you understand it ,
also i equiped the mirror with led strip , that after the 6PM turn on automatically with a random color , and change it every new hour until 00:00 , in that time the led will be turned off
add to this i include an usb hub for the configuration , or charging the phone …
yeah there is too a small mic , to control the led with the voice control , if you can remark on the left bottom on the display ,there is "speak to me ", that’s module is for the voice control , it’s for the signal to start giving order , in example you can say “set the color to red” or yellow,green,blue, or turn off the light …
i have create an application , like a remote for the mirror with many options .
sorry for my bad english , and hope you like the mirror
i’ll share with you the module of Health soon