@MMRIZE said in MMM-CalendarExt3:
See the green events
in CX3 config;/* CX3 config section in `config/config.js` */ eventPayload: (payload) => { const targetCalendar = "Reservation" const divideGap = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 1 const locale = 'en-US' const timeStyle = { timeStyle: 'short' } const condition = (ev) => { return (ev.calendarName === targetCalendar && ev.fullDayEvent === false) } const target = payload.filter(condition).sort((a, b) => a.endDate - b.endDate) const result = payload.filter(e => !condition(e)) const dateStr = (dateValue) => Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, timeStyle).format(new Date(+dateValue)) const collapse = (template, ev) => { if (!template?.["title"]) template = { ...ev, collapseCount: 0, description: '', location: '' } template.collapseCount++ template.startDate = String(Math.min(+template.startDate, +ev.startDate)) template.endDate = String(Math.max(+template.endDate, +ev.endDate)) template.title = `${dateStr(template.startDate)} - ${dateStr(template.endDate)}` if (template.collapseCount > 1) template.title += ` <span class="count">${template.collapseCount}</span>` template.description += `<div class="collapsedEvent"> <p class="title">${ev.title}</p> <p class="period">${dateStr(ev.startDate)} - ${dateStr(ev.endDate)}</p>` if (ev.description) template.description += `<p class="description">${ev.description}</p>` if (ev.location) template.description += `<p class="location">${ev.location}</p>` template.description += '</div>' return template } const dateKey = (dateValue) => new Date(+dateValue).toLocaleDateString('en-CA') let collapsedEvent = {} for (const ev of target) { const currentKey = dateKey(ev.startDate) if (!collapsedEvent?.[ 'title' ]) { collapsedEvent = collapse(collapsedEvent, ev) continue } const collapsedKey = dateKey(collapsedEvent.startDate) if (collapsedKey !== currentKey || +ev.startDate - +collapsedEvent.endDate > divideGap) { result.push(collapsedEvent) collapsedEvent = collapse({}, ev) } else { collapsedEvent = collapse(collapsedEvent, ev) } } if (collapsedEvent?.[ 'title' ]) result.push(collapsedEvent) return result }
You can modify
for your purpose.To beautify;
/* css/custom.css */ .CX3 .event.calendar_Reservation .headline .time { display: none; } #CX3_POPOVER .title .count, .CX3 .calendar_Reservation .title .count { font-weight: bold; color: gray; } #CX3_POPOVER .title .count::before, .CX3 .calendar_Reservation .title .count::before { content: "["; } #CX3_POPOVER .title .count::after, .CX3 .calendar_Reservation .title .count::after { content: "]"; } #CX3_POPOVER .description .collapsedEvent { line-height: 115%; border-bottom: 2px solid silver; p { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; } .title { font-weight: bold; } .period { text-align: right; } .description { font-style: italic; white-space: pre; padding-left: 20px; } .location { font-style: italic; text-align: right; } }
I had to play around with it a bit to get it just right, but you nailed it!
My calendar is a lot less cluttered now. Thank you for all your help!