@morozgrafix Thanks! I am pretty late, but congrats to you and all the other new moderators.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: How to set ipWhitelist for all device can acess to MagicMirror v2?
RE: [Remote-Control] Shutdown, Configure and Update your MagicMirror
After updating MM from Remote-Control, when I rebooted I got a black screen. I realized that
npm install
was necessary, so everything works now. Only I thought that updating from Remote-Control would allow me to completely update without having to touch my mouse and keyboard. Is it supposed to? -
RE: How To Add IFRAME Code to Calendar
That’s cool. I also found a website where I can just get the .ics file, so I’ll play around with it, and see what works.
Magic Mirror With Amazon Alexa
Hi all,
I was wondering if it was possible to incorporate the Amazon Echo Dot into the Magic Mirror. If anyone has any ideas, please tell me.
RE: Wider Veriety of Modules For Different Kinds of People
I was doing some research, and I found what’s called an “Air Bar”.
Does anyone know if it is possible to add that to the magic mirror in any way to make it touchscreen? I’m thinking of developing a module for it if it is possible to use the Air Bar. Also, if anyone has any cool ideas for modules related to the ones I’ve suggested, just post them here. -
Backing Up Magic Mirror
I was wondering how to backup my SD card. I already have Win32DiskImager installed on my computer, but I wanted to know how exactly to set up a backup in case something happens to my raspberry pi.
RE: Wider Veriety of Modules For Different Kinds of People
@cowboysdude I completely agree! Working on my Magic Mirror is the highlight of my day. I just wanted to suggest different ideas that popped into my head (many of which already became modules before or soon after I posted here), and I do recognize the work that many people put in to this project daily. :smiley:
@slametps I didn’t do anything to alter the config file except change what was already there for the calendar module. I fixed settings from the top right corner of prayerwebcal.appspot.com. Once I got everything the way I wanted, I just replaced the default calendar with my new url.
{ module: "calendar", header: "Prayer Times", position: "top_left", config: { calendars: [ { symbol: "calendar-check-o ", url: "http://prayerwebcal.appspot.com/0.ics?x=0.0&y=0.0&z=-300&s=0&j=0" } ] } },