Okay, I have tried several different things like checking my module, changing the API Token, but for some reason, I cannot get this module to display on my MagicMirror. All of my other modules are fine. I am wondering if I am missing something obvious (I have before). He is my config (Which I did not change from the ReadMe):
module: 'MMM-PushBulletNotifications',
header: 'Notifications',
position: 'top_left', // This can be any of the regions.
config: {
// See 'Configuration options' for more information.
accessToken: "MyToken", //PushBullet API Access Token
endToEndPassword: null,
numberOfNotifications: 3,
filterTargetDeviceName: "",
showPushesSentToAllDevices: true,
onlyAllowCommandsFromSourceDevices: [],
fetchLimitPushBullet: 50,
showPushes: true,
showPushesOnLoad: true,
showDismissedPushes: true,
showMirroredNotifications: true,
onlyShowLastNotificationFromApplication: false,
showIndividualNotifications: false,
showSMS: true,
showMessage: true,
showIcons: true,
showDateTime: true,
localesDateTime: 'nl-NL',
playSoundOnNotificationReceived: true,
soundFile: 'modules/MMM-PushBulletNotifications/sounds/new-message.mp3',
maxMsgCharacters: 50,
maxHeaderCharacters: 32,
showModuleIfNoNotifications: true,
noNotificationsMessage: "No new notifications",
debugMode: false,
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.