For a start, I can’t use the command “sudo npm install -g pm2” - It gives back “bash: sudo: command not found”
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RE: Boot Magic Mirror on start up.
Boot Magic Mirror on start up.
Hi guys.
I’m a complete newb at this. Just found out about magic mirror 2 days ago, and I got i working perfectly with Git for windows.
I just have one question, I’ve searched the interwebs and this forum, but with no luck.
As I run this from windows 7 - 32 bit, I would like to have the MM to start up when I boot the pc.
It’s quite easy to get Git Bash to run from the startup, but I guess I need to run a script to start up the actual MM.
I tried my luck with PM2, but since I have no idea of what I’m actually doing, I hope that someone else in here can help me.