I’m not very good with wood working. Does anyone have a good frame build?
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Building the frame
RE: Touchscreen Mirror
I have officially decided that making it touchscreen will be saved for my second iteration of it. The first one I am building is being used specifically for a mirror anyways for my girlfriend while she does make up
RE: Touchscreen Mirror
@justjim1220 could you send me a link, if you have one, if it functioning?
RE: Touch screen over two way mirror
@ranger33 could I see pictures? As I’m trying to do this right now
RE: Touchscreen Mirror
@broberg thank you! I suppose I’ll do more research on if an IR frame works behind or on top of a two way mirror!
RE: Touchscreen Mirror
@cowboysdude does your’s Still reflect like a mirror? It’s main purpose will be a mirror rather than a central hub. By the way, holy fucking shit! Good work man. That’s so impressive!
Touchscreen Mirror
I’m pretty new here but I’ve been building my own smart mirror for awhile now!
I thought of making my mirror touchscreen but have no idea where to start for that. Has anyone done a build making the mirror touch screen capable?