Hello everyone. I would like to tell you that I just migrate from Rasberry pi 3B+ to Rasberry pi 4B 4GB. I just want to tell you that It worked perfectly by just instering the SD from the old pi. The only thing I had to do Is to configure the audio output bacause I use hdmi to transfer audio. Everything else worked as a charm. OS, MM, GA, leds everything. I made this update in case someone else is thinking if it is possible. Well IT IS!!!
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Rasberry Replacement
RE: Rasberry Replacement
@sdetweil Then you are a savior too. Thank you so much. I will do it ASAP.
RE: Rasberry Replacement
@sdetweil I start building it at June. So it is only 4 months old. You think it will be just fine with the old SD and the OS it is already installed on it? If so it will be savior for me. I want to avoid all modules reinstall and especialy creating new project on google for Google Assistant.
Rasberry Replacement
Hello everyone. I hope my question is not too much silly. I want to replace my rpi3 with an rpi4 which I will buy soon. My question is if I must reinstall everything to the new one or just by inserting the old pi’s SD card to the new one can do the job? Or is there another way to have everything as working now from rpi3 to rpi 4? Thank you in advance.
RE: Getting an error when trying to implement MMM-Cursor into my config.js file
@nateb827 Hi. Have you try only this?
{ module: "MMM-Cursor", config: { // See 'Configuration options' for more information. } }
If it does not work with this config try adding a comma at the third bracket like this
{ module: "MMM-Cursor", config: { // See 'Configuration options' for more information. }, }
RE: *NEW LIST 29.06.2021* Two way community order for mirror glass for all european countries - Open until at least 10 people have entered
@Anthony said in *NEW LIST 29.06.2021* Two way community order for mirror glass for all european countries - Open until at least 10 people have entered:
Hello there. I am sorry my friend but is seems to take much longer time than I expected so I have ordered the mirror from a local supplier and accordingly I must cancel my order to you. I already have removed my name from the list. Thank you.
1 @ivow 0.63 0.37 0.233 0.4 Netherlands polished edges 2 @zlobni 0.92 0.72 0.662 0.662 Slovenia polished edges 3 @osnapus 0.45 0.35 0.158 0.4 Poland polished edges 4 @davmirror 0.9 0.7 0.63 0.63 Spain polished edges -
RE: Power arduino from rasberry
From a quick search I have done I decided that it is better to connect arduino and led strip on the same power supply. My led strip is a 3m ws2812b neopixel with 30pixels/meter which consume 60mA/pixel in full brightness so (60*90)/1000=5.4A. The power supply I am using is 5V - 6A so I think it anough for both since arduino’s only job is to send data to led strip. Please If someone has better knowledge of electricity correct me. Thank you. -
RE: Images/pictures are shown very tiny.
@gerbenvs Hi. For me in the module’s config the
works fine so check if you have place it correctly in your config file or else like sdetweil mentioned try to abjust the image size through your custom.css -
RE: Power arduino from rasberry
@sdetweil I am confuse a little bit. From what I read I think usb port is better since it powers itself from the pi’s supply and not from the board. Although I have only one availiable on my pi because all others are used for mouse, keyboard and mic I think I will give a try and see how it goes. Thank you very much for your reply.
Power arduino from rasberry
Hello everyone. I hope I did’t open this topic in the wrong place.If so pls correct me. I would like to ask if Rassberry pi 3b+ can power an arduino uno R3. On the pi I have istalled magic mirror and GA and I use some gpios of the pi for the pi’s fan and an RGB led strip for GA status. The arduino is used only for lighting another led strip with various effects. Both led strips is connected to external power supplies so no further power consuption on both boards. Also if it is possible which way is better? Through the Vin, the 5V pin or usb port? I am asking this only to avoid using one more power supply since there are already 3. One for the pi, and two for the led strips. Thank you in advance.