@sdetweil it has debug:true support. Here is the original js cinfig file
Module.register("MMM-WiFiPassword", {
defaults: {
qrSize: 125,
colorDark: "#000",
colorLight: "#fff",
authType: "WPA", // WEP, WPA, NONE
network: "REQUIRED", // Your Network ID
password: "REQUIRED", // Your Network Password
header: "Local WiFi Details", // Default heading
hiddenId: false, // Whether your Network ID is hidden
layoutVertical: true, // Whether to display in vertical (true), or horizontal (false) mode.
showNetwork: true, // Display network name
showPassword: true, // Display password
showAuthType: true, // Dispay authentication type
debug: false
I know it reads my network and password right because if i copy paste them after scan to a notebook the text is correct. I even tried to change the scan application but same result. When I choose to connect to the scaned network nothing happens.