Sure, but this module regarding the router from a french ISP…
Sure, but this module regarding the router from a french ISP…
Pas de soucis, je repasserai voir a l’occasion si tu as pu avancer :)
A bientot !
Hello :)
Super module ! Je l’utilise actuellement pour les appels manqués.
Juste une question, est-il possible d’afficher le numéro d’un appel entrant ?
Merci :)
Hello Guys !
I am studying MM to install one in my living room. The goal is to reuse an old laptop screen. On the technical part, I think I do not have too many problems, but it is more on the “mirror” part that I’m in trouble.
Would you have any advice to choose a spy glass that is sufficiently “mirror”? Or what type of film to apply on the glass?
FYI, I live in France, so if there are French on the forum that would have good plans … :)
Thx for your help