Some tips/improvements.
I’ve disabled the sound in the omx-stream by adding the arguments “-n”,“-1”, in the node_helper.js
payload.forEach(s => {
var args = ["--live", "--video_queue", "4", "--fps", "30","-n","-1",
I had problems with the omx-streams (i have three) not restarting correctly. So instead of stopping the processes and then starting, i’ve changed the command to restart.
for (var proc in list) {
if ("name" in list[proc] && namesM.indexOf(list[proc].name) > -1) {
if ("status" in list[proc].pm2_env && list[proc].pm2_env.status === "online") {
console.log(`PM2: ${list[proc].name} already running. Stopping old instance...`);
// pm2.stop(list[proc].name, errCB);
pm2.restart(list[proc].name, errCB);