The api call daily threshold for billing is 1,000. The default setting is to update every 10 minutes and that equals to 144 daily calls.
The api call daily threshold for billing is 1,000. The default setting is to update every 10 minutes and that equals to 144 daily calls.
The Api has changed and the old apikey no longer works. The old api, V2.5, provided data for free and the new api, V3.0, will charge for daily data access requests that exceed 1,000. The new api requires a credit card to bill for all requests exceeding 1,000 per day.
In addition to establishing a credit card on my account and generating a V3.0 key, I installed the MMM-OpenWeatherForecast module using these instructions:
Navigate into the MagicMirror modules directory.
Execute git clone
Enter the new MMM-OpenWeatherForecast directory and execute npm install
The configuration instructions and other information is located in:
@MarcLandis Thank you for the push in the right direction. I took the time to remove all the unused options and corrected the updateInterval. Now everything is back to working.
Now I will need to study the new options to see if I need to change anything.
Thanks again.
I am having trouble getting MMM-OpenWeatherForecast to run and have been working my way through the problems.
First problem was a typo of “apiKey” which caused this message to flood the .pm2/logs/MagicMirror-out.log. Problem solved by correctly spelling the variable name “apikey” - notice the subtle difference between the “K” and “k”.
[2024-10-03 10:22:54.732] [LOG] [MMM-OpenWeatherForecast] 3-Oct-24 10:22 ** ERROR ** No API key configured. Get an API key at
Once the “apikey” spelling problem was solved, the next error arrived and the log file was flooded with thousands of this message:
code_[2024-10-03 12:09:29.002] [LOG] [MMM-OpenWeatherForecast] 3-Oct-24 12:09 ** ERROR ** Latitude and/or longitude not provided.
This error was caused by confusing documentation that made it appear the variables were “lat” and “lon” instead of “latitude” and “longitude”. Correcting the spelling eliminated the error messages.
The current problem is this message which is again flooding the pm2 error.log:
[2024-10-03 14:10:02.077] ^[[31m[ERROR]^[[39m ^[[31m[MMM-OpenWeatherForecast] 3-Oct-24 14:10 ** ERROR ** TypeError: fetch failed^[[39m
I need a hint of where to look or what to do. I sure it is not hard but just me overlooking something.
However,the three problems reveal that the Module contains an error that flood the log files with thousands of messages.
Here is the portion configuration file relative to the OpenWeatherForecast module:
module: "MMM-OpenWeatherForecast",
position: "top_right",
header: "Current Weather",
config: {
weatherProvider: "openweathermap",
type: "hourly",
units: "imperial",
tempUnits: "imperial",
roundTemp: true,
timeFormat: 24,
onlyTemp: false,
appendLocationNameToHeader: true,
showSun: true,
fade: false,
fadePoint: 1,
colored: true,
updateInterval: 900000, // 15 minutes, 900 seconds
maxEntries: 10,
degreeLabel: true,
lang: "en",
location: "Sachse,Texas",
locationID: "4724564", //ID from;
latitude: 32.98579,
longitude: -96.60234,
apiVersion: "3.0",
weatherEndpoint: "/onecall",
apikey: "This is a 3.0 key"
I am also confused about the updateInterval value. Previously in this module and in other modules, time intervals are given in milliseconds so 15 minutes is written as 900000.
Thank you for reading.
@sdetweil I ran the fixuppm2 script and now MM starts when the System starts and pm2 now works.
I just need to figure out why the MM Calendar is not starting.
Thank you for your help.
bash -c "$(curl -sL"
@sdetweil The v2.29.0 installers directory does not include the file.
Is it a fix to copy the file from v2.28.0 installers directory?
Okay, using the npm start &, the mirror comes up. The MMM-Fuel app is working but I have a problem with the weather app which is something I can work through.
So, how do I make the autostart at reboot work?
By doing the npm start, the pm2 logs are not working. I am missing that good debugging aid.
Here are messages displayed during the start:
### SYSTEM: manufacturer: Raspberry Pi Foundation; model: Raspberry Pi 3 Model A Plus Rev 1.0; virtual: false
### OS: platform: linux; distro: Raspbian GNU/Linux; release: 11; arch: arm; kernel: 6.1.21-v7+
### VERSIONS: electron: 31.6.0; used node: 20.17.0; installed node: 20.17.0; npm: 10.8.2; pm2: 5.4.2
### OTHER: timeZone: America/Chicago; ELECTRON_ENABLE_GPU: undefined
pm2 when I do it manually.
I am not sure what the default when the system comes up. How do I find what the system uses?
@sdetweil I have posted a new topic in trouble shooting with the error message and the install log.
The system would not let me send the file as only graphic files are accepted.
Thank you.
I upgraded to 2.29.0 and MM will not start. The error log repeatedly contains these messages as shown below. Also, the installer log is included.
[2024-10-01 16:28:48.246] ^[[31m[ERROR]^[[39m ^[[31mWhoops! There was an uncaught exception...^[[39m
[2024-10-01 16:28:48.248] ^[[31m[ERROR]^[[39m ^[[31mTypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'disableHardwareAcceleration')^[[39m
^[[31m at Object.<anonymous> (/home/pi/MagicMirror/js/electron.js:18:6)^[[39m
^[[31m at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1469:14)^[[39m
^[[31m at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1548:10)^[[39m
^[[31m at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1288:32)^[[39m
^[[31m at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1104:12)^[[39m
^[[31m at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/lib/node_modules/pm2/lib/ProcessContainerFork.js:33:23)^[[39m
^[[31m at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1469:14)^[[39m
^[[31m at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1548:10)^[[39m
^[[31m at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1288:32)^[[39m
^[[31m at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1104:12)^[[39m
^[[31m at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:174:12)^[[39m
^[[31m at node:internal/main/run_main_module:28:49^[[39m
[2024-10-01 16:28:48.250] ^[[31m[ERROR]^[[39m ^[[31mMagicMirror² will not quit, but it might be a good idea to check why this happened. Maybe no internet connection?^[[39m
[2024-10-01 16:28:48.251] ^[[31m[ERROR]^[[39m ^[[31mIf you think this really is an issue, please open an issue on GitHub:^[[39m
The Installer log follows - I had to make it shorter because of a post size limit.
Upgrade started - Sun May 5 21:42:42 CDT 2024
system is Linux MagicMirror 6.1.21-v7+ #1642 SMP Mon Apr 3 17:20:52 BST 2023 armv7l GNU/Linux
user requested to apply changes
doing test run = false
the os is Distributor ID: Raspbian Description: Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) Release: 11 Codename: bullseye
[0mNode currently installed. Checking version number.[0m
[0mMinimum Node version: [1mv20.8.0[0m
[0mInstalled Node version: [1mv20.12.2[0m
[96mCheck current Node installation ...[0m
[0mNode currently installed. Checking version number.
[0mMinimum Node version: [1mv20.8.0[0m
[0mInstalled Node version: [1mv20.12.2[0m
[92mNo Node.js upgrade necessary.[0m
[96mCheck current NPM installation ...[0m
[0mNPM currently installed. Checking version number.
[0mMinimum npm version: [1mV10.1.0[0m
[0mInstalled npm version: [1mV10.5.0[0m
[92mNo npm upgrade necessary.[0m
saving custom.css
remote name = origin
upgrading from version 2.26.0 to 2.27.0
fetching latest revisions
git fetch rc=0
current branch = master
On branch master
Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 1 commit, and can be fast-forwarded.
(use "git pull" to update your local branch)
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
deleted: config/config.js.sample
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
no files different from github version
test merge result rc='' , if empty, no conflicts
executing merge, apply specified
merge result rc= 0
Updating 118e2123..5ea8a346 Fast-forward .eslintignore
3 +- .eslintrc.json
18 +- .github/codecov.yaml
10 - .github/dependabot.yaml
15 + .github/workflows/depsreview.yaml
2 +- .github/workflows/electronRebuild.yaml
20 + .github/workflows/enforce-pullrequest-rules.yaml
2 +- .gitignore
6 +- .husky/pre-commit
2 - .npmrc
1 + .prettierignore
2 +
199 +-
24 +-
2 +-
10 +- clientonly/index.js
4 +- config/config.js.sample
5 +- css/custom.css.sample
8 +- fonts/package-lock.json
18 +- fonts/package.json
11 +- js/animateCSS.js
7 - js/app.js
42 +- js/check_config.js
23 +- js/defaults.js
8 +- js/deprecated.js
8 - js/electron.js
1 + js/loader.js
6 - js/logger.js
43 +- js/main.js
6 - js/module.js
6 +- js/node_helper.js
6 - js/server.js
16 +- js/server_functions.js
4 +- js/socketclient.js
6 - js/translator.js
6 - js/utils.js
37 +- mm2.png
Bin 0 -> 6947 bytes modules/default/alert/alert.js
6 - modules/default/calendar/calendar.js
33 +- modules/default/calendar/calendarfetcher.js
9 +- modules/default/calendar/calendarfetcherutils.js
268 +- modules/default/calendar/calendarutils.js
6 - modules/default/calendar/debug.js
3 - modules/default/calendar/node_helper.js
15 +- modules/default/clock/clock.js
11 +- modules/default/compliments/compliments.js
8 +- modules/default/defaultmodules.js
5 +- modules/default/helloworld/helloworld.js
6 - modules/default/newsfeed/newsfeed.js
43 +- modules/default/newsfeed/newsfeedfetcher.js
13 +- modules/default/newsfeed/node_helper.js
7 - modules/default/updatenotification/git_helper.js
10 +- .../default/updatenotification/update_helper.js
57 +- .../updatenotification/updatenotification.js
10 +- modules/default/weather/current.njk
56 +- modules/default/weather/providers/envcanada.js
8 +- modules/default/weather/providers/openmeteo.js
12 +- .../default/weather/providers/openweathermap.js
9 +- modules/default/weather/providers/pirateweather.js
11 +- modules/default/weather/providers/smhi.js
12 +- modules/default/weather/providers/ukmetoffice.js
9 +- .../weather/providers/ukmetofficedatahub.js
9 +- modules/default/weather/providers/weatherbit.js
11 +- modules/default/weather/providers/weatherflow.js
10 +- modules/default/weather/providers/weathergov.js
10 +- modules/default/weather/providers/yr.js
10 +- modules/default/weather/weather.js
14 +- modules/default/weather/weatherobject.js
12 - modules/default/weather/weatherprovider.js
9 +- modules/default/weather/weatherutils.js
6 - package-lock.json
4180 +++++++++++++------- package.json
60 +- serveronly/index.js
2 +- tests/configs/default.js
5 - tests/configs/empty_ipWhiteList.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/alert/default.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/calendar/auth-default.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/calendar/bad_rrule.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/calendar/basic-auth.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/calendar/changed-port.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/calendar/custom.js
6 +- tests/configs/modules/calendar/default.js
5 - .../{exdate.js => exdate_la_at_midnight_dst.js}
13 +- .../modules/calendar/exdate_la_at_midnight_std.js
37 + .../modules/calendar/exdate_la_before_midnight.js
37 + .../modules/calendar/exdate_syd_at_midnight_dst.js
37 + .../modules/calendar/exdate_syd_at_midnight_std.js
37 + .../modules/calendar/exdate_syd_before_midnight.js
37 + tests/configs/modules/calendar/fail-basic-auth.js
7 - .../configs/modules/calendar/long-fullday-event.js
28 + tests/configs/modules/calendar/old-basic-auth.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/calendar/recurring.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/calendar/rrule_until.js
30 + .../calendar/show-duplicates-in-calendar.js
5 - .../modules/calendar/single-fullday-event.js
28 + tests/configs/modules/clock/clock_12hr.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/clock/clock_24hr.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/clock/clock_analog.js
4 - .../modules/clock/clock_displaySeconds_false.js
5 - .../configs/modules/clock/clock_showDateAnalog.js
5 - .../configs/modules/clock/clock_showPeriodUpper.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/clock/clock_showSunMoon.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/clock/clock_showTime.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/clock/clock_showWeek.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/clock/es/clock_12hr.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/clock/es/clock_24hr.js
5 - .../modules/clock/es/clock_showPeriodUpper.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/clock/es/clock_showWeek.js
6 - .../modules/compliments/compliments_animateCSS.js
6 - .../compliments_animateCSS_fallbackToDefault.js
7 - ...compliments_animateCSS_invertedAnimationName.js
6 - .../modules/compliments/compliments_anytime.js
5 - .../modules/compliments/compliments_date.js
5 - .../compliments/compliments_only_anytime.js
5 - .../modules/compliments/compliments_parts_day.js
5 - .../modules/compliments/compliments_remote.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/display.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/helloworld/helloworld.js
5 - .../modules/helloworld/helloworld_default.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/newsfeed/default.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/newsfeed/ignore_items.js
4 - tests/configs/modules/newsfeed/incorrect_url.js
4 - tests/configs/modules/newsfeed/prohibited_words.js
4 - tests/configs/modules/positions.js
5 - .../modules/weather/currentweather_compliments.js
5 - .../modules/weather/currentweather_default.js
6 +- .../modules/weather/currentweather_options.js
7 +- .../modules/weather/currentweather_units.js
7 +- .../modules/weather/forecastweather_absolute.js
5 - .../modules/weather/forecastweather_default.js
5 - .../modules/weather/forecastweather_options.js
5 - .../modules/weather/forecastweather_units.js
5 - .../modules/weather/hourlyweather_default.js
5 - .../modules/weather/hourlyweather_options.js
5 - .../weather/hourlyweather_showPrecipitation.js
5 - tests/configs/noIpWhiteList.js
5 - tests/configs/port_8090.js
5 - tests/configs/port_variable.js.template
5 - tests/configs/without_modules.js
5 - tests/e2e/animateCSS_spec.js
7 - tests/e2e/fonts_spec.js
2 +- tests/e2e/helpers/basic-auth.js
2 +- tests/e2e/modules/calendar_spec.js
31 + tests/e2e/modules/weather_current_spec.js
16 +- tests/e2e/serveronly_spec.js
2 +- tests/e2e/template_spec.js
2 +- tests/e2e/translations_spec.js
4 +- tests/electron/env_spec.js
2 +- tests/electron/helpers/global-setup.js
6 +- tests/electron/modules/calendar_spec.js
105 +- tests/mocks/calendar_test_exdate.ics
34 - tests/mocks/calendar_test_full_day_events.ics
33 + .../calendar_test_multi_day_starting_today.ics
33 + tests/mocks/exdate_la_at_midnight_dst.ics
15 + tests/mocks/exdate_la_at_midnight_std.ics
15 + tests/mocks/exdate_la_before_midnight.ics
15 + tests/mocks/exdate_syd_at_midnight_dst.ics
15 + tests/mocks/exdate_syd_at_midnight_std.ics
15 + tests/mocks/exdate_syd_before_midnight.ics
15 + tests/mocks/rrule_until.ics
24 + tests/unit/classes/class_spec.js
2 +- tests/unit/classes/translator_spec.js
2 +- tests/unit/classes/utils_spec.js
35 +- tests/unit/functions/cmp_versions_spec.js
2 +- tests/unit/functions/updatenotification_spec.js
22 +- tests/unit/global_vars/defaults_modules_spec.js
4 +- tests/unit/global_vars/root_path_spec.js
4 +- tests/utils/weather_mocker.js
13 +- translations/et.json
31 +- translations/translations.js
7 - vendor/package-lock.json
10 +- vendor/package.json
9 +- vendor/vendor.js
6 - 173 files changed, 4108 insertions(+), 2557 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 .github/codecov.yaml
create mode 100644 .github/workflows/electronRebuild.yaml
create mode 100644 mm2.png rename tests/configs/modules/calendar/{exdate.js => exdate_la_at_midnight_dst.js} (50%)
create mode 100644 tests/configs/modules/calendar/exdate_la_at_midnight_std.js
create mode 100644 tests/configs/modules/calendar/exdate_la_before_midnight.js
create mode 100644 tests/configs/modules/calendar/exdate_syd_at_midnight_dst.js
create mode 100644 tests/configs/modules/calendar/exdate_syd_at_midnight_std.js
create mode 100644 tests/configs/modules/calendar/exdate_syd_before_midnight.js
create mode 100644 tests/configs/modules/calendar/long-fullday-event.js
create mode 100644 tests/configs/modules/calendar/rrule_until.js
create mode 100644 tests/configs/modules/calendar/single-fullday-event.js delete mode 100644 tests/mocks/calendar_test_exdate.ics
create mode 100644 tests/mocks/calendar_test_full_day_events.ics
create mode 100644 tests/mocks/calendar_test_multi_day_starting_today.ics
create mode 100644 tests/mocks/exdate_la_at_midnight_dst.ics
create mode 100644 tests/mocks/exdate_la_at_midnight_std.ics
create mode 100644 tests/mocks/exdate_la_before_midnight.ics
create mode 100644 tests/mocks/exdate_syd_at_midnight_dst.ics
create mode 100644 tests/mocks/exdate_syd_at_midnight_std.ics
create mode 100644 tests/mocks/exdate_syd_before_midnight.ics
create mode 100644 tests/mocks/rrule_until.ics
processor architecture is armv7l
updating MagicMirror runtime, please wait
> magicmirror@2.27.0 postinstall
> npm run install-vendor && npm run install-fonts && echo "MagicMirror² installation finished successfully!
> "
> magicmirror@2.27.0 install-vendor
> echo "Installing vendor files ...
> " && cd vendor && npm install --loglevel=error --no-audit --no-fund --no-update-notifier
Installing vendor files ...
changed 1 package in 2s
> magicmirror@2.27.0 install-fonts
> echo "Installing fonts ...
> " && cd fonts && npm install --loglevel=error --no-audit --no-fund --no-update-notifier
Installing fonts ...
changed 2 packages in 6s
MagicMirror² installation finished successfully!
> magicmirror@2.27.0 prepare
> [ -f node_modules/.bin/husky ] && husky || echo no husky installed.
no husky installed.
added 483 packages in 2m
112 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
npm install completed - Sun May 5 21:44:26 CDT 2024 on base
fixing sandbox permissions
Checking for modules with removed libraries
downloading dumpactivemodules script
updating dependencies for active modules with package.json files
processing for module MMM-Fuel please wait
added 17 packages, and audited 18 packages in 9s
8 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
found 0 vulnerabilities
processing complete for module MMM-Fuel
restoring custom.css
removing git alias
Upgrade ended - Sun May 5 21:44:39 CDT 2024
Upgrade started - Thu Jul 25 21:33:44 CDT 2024
system is Linux MagicMirror 6.1.21-v7+ #1642 SMP Mon Apr 3 17:20:52 BST 2023 armv7l GNU/Linux
user requested to apply changes
doing test run = false
the os is Distributor ID: Raspbian Description: Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) Release: 11 Codename: bullseye
[0mNode currently installed. Checking version number.[0m
[0mMinimum Node version: [1mv20.9.0[0m
[0mInstalled Node version: [1mv20.16.0[0m
[96mCheck current Node installation ...[0m
[0mNode currently installed. Checking version number.
[0mMinimum Node version: [1mv20.9.0[0m
[0mInstalled Node version: [1mv20.16.0[0m
[92mNo Node.js upgrade necessary.[0m
[96mCheck current NPM installation ...[0m
[0mNPM currently installed. Checking version number.
[0mMinimum npm version: [1mV10.1.0[0m
[0mInstalled npm version: [1mV10.8.1[0m
[92mNo npm upgrade necessary.[0m
saving custom.css
remote name = origin
upgrading from version 2.27.0 to 2.28.0
fetching latest revisions
git fetch rc=0
current branch = master
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
deleted: config/config.js.sample
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
no files different from github version
test merge result rc='' , if empty, no conflicts
executing merge, apply specified
merge result rc= 0
Updating 5ea8a346..53fc814f Fast-forward .github/workflows/automated-tests.yaml
3 +- .github/workflows/electronRebuild.yaml
8 +
45 +- config/config.js.sample
14 +- fonts/package-lock.json
16 +- fonts/package.json
10 +- js/app.js
15 +- js/check_config.js
66 + js/loader.js
3 +- js/main.js
11 +- js/utils.js
11 + modules/default/calendar/calendar.js
15 +- modules/default/compliments/compliments.js
7 +- .../default/updatenotification/update_helper.js
11 +- modules/default/weather/providers/openmeteo.js
18 +- modules/default/weather/providers/weathergov.js
2 +- package-lock.json
3164 +++++++++++++------- package.json
105 +- .../compliments_specialDayUnique_false.js
22 + .../compliments_specialDayUnique_true.js
22 + tests/e2e/modules/compliments_spec.js
24 + vendor/package-lock.json
8 +- vendor/package.json
8 +- 23 files changed, 2342 insertions(+), 1266 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 tests/configs/modules/compliments/compliments_specialDayUnique_false.js
create mode 100644 tests/configs/modules/compliments/compliments_specialDayUnique_true.js
processor architecture is armv7l
updating MagicMirror runtime, please wait
> magicmirror@2.28.0 postinstall
> npm run install-vendor && npm run install-fonts && echo "MagicMirror² installation finished successfully!
> "
> magicmirror@2.28.0 install-vendor
> echo "Installing vendor files ...
> " && cd vendor && npm install --loglevel=error --no-audit --no-fund --no-update-notifier
Installing vendor files ...
changed 1 package in 11s
> magicmirror@2.28.0 install-fonts
> echo "Installing fonts ...
> " && cd fonts && npm install --loglevel=error --no-audit --no-fund --no-update-notifier
Installing fonts ...
changed 2 packages in 6s
MagicMirror² installation finished successfully!
> magicmirror@2.28.0 prepare
> [ -f node_modules/.bin/husky ] && husky || echo no husky installed.
no husky installed.
added 469 packages in 2m
112 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
npm notice
npm notice New patch version of npm available! 10.8.1 -> 10.8.2
npm notice Changelog:
npm notice To update run: npm install -g npm@10.8.2
npm notice
npm install completed - Thu Jul 25 21:35:27 CDT 2024 on base
fixing sandbox permissions
Checking for modules with removed libraries
downloading dumpactivemodules script
updating dependencies for active modules with package.json files
processing for module MMM-Fuel please wait
added 17 packages, and audited 18 packages in 9s
8 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
found 0 vulnerabilities
processing complete for module MMM-Fuel
restoring custom.css
removing git alias
Upgrade ended - Thu Jul 25 21:35:39 CDT 2024
Upgrade started - Tue Oct 1 16:05:55 CDT 2024
system is Linux MagicMirror 6.1.21-v7+ #1642 SMP Mon Apr 3 17:20:52 BST 2023 armv7l GNU/Linux
user requested to apply changes
doing test run = false
the os is PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)" NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux" VERSION_ID="11" VERSION="11 (bullseye)" VERSION_CODENAME=bullseye ID=raspbian ID_LIKE=debian HOME_URL="" SUPPORT_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL=""
[0mNode currently installed. Checking version number.[0m
[0mMinimum Node version: [1mv20.9.0[0m
[0mInstalled Node version: [1mv20.17.0[0m
[96mCheck current Node installation ...[0m
[0mNode currently installed. Checking version number.
[0mMinimum Node version: [1mv20.9.0[0m
[0mInstalled Node version: [1mv20.17.0[0m
[92mNo Node.js upgrade necessary.[0m
[96mCheck current NPM installation ...[0m
[0mNPM currently installed. Checking version number.
[0mMinimum npm version: [1mV10.1.0[0m
[0mInstalled npm version: [1mV10.8.2[0m
[92mNo npm upgrade necessary.[0m
saving custom.css
remote name = origin
upgrading from version 2.28.0 to 2.29.0
fetching latest revisions
git fetch rc=0
current branch = master
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
deleted: config/config.js.sample
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
no files different from github version
test merge result rc='' , if empty, no conflicts
executing merge, apply specified
merge result rc= 0
Updating 53fc814f..94c3c699 Fast-forward .eslintignore
2 - .eslintrc.json
93 - .github/
2 +- .github/workflows/automated-tests.yaml
2 +- .../workflows/{depsreview.yaml => dep-review.yaml}
2 + ...{electronRebuild.yaml => electron-rebuild.yaml}
6 +- .github/workflows/enforce-pullrequest-rules.yaml
4 +- .gitignore
3 + .prettierignore
2 +-
77 +-
50 +-
4 +- cspell.config.json
227 + eslint.config.mjs
121 + fonts/package-lock.json
18 +- fonts/package.json
4 +- index.html
1 + installers/
4 - js/app.js
29 +- js/check_config.js
104 +- js/class.js
21 +- js/defaults.js
8 +- js/electron.js
50 +- js/loader.js
34 +- js/main.js
22 +- js/module.js
29 +- js/node_helper.js
24 +- js/server.js
12 +- js/server_functions.js
46 +- js/translator.js
6 +- js/utils.js
41 +- modules/default/calendar/calendar.js
38 +- modules/default/calendar/debug.js
3 +- modules/default/compliments/compliments.js
100 +- modules/default/defaultmodules.js
3 +- .../default/updatenotification/update_helper.js
19 +- modules/default/weather/providers/envcanada.js
342 +- modules/default/weather/providers/openmeteo.js
10 +- .../default/weather/providers/openweathermap.js
48 +- modules/default/weather/providers/pirateweather.js
10 +- modules/default/weather/providers/smhi.js
11 +- modules/default/weather/providers/ukmetoffice.js
39 +- .../weather/providers/ukmetofficedatahub.js
64 +- modules/default/weather/providers/weatherbit.js
10 +- modules/default/weather/providers/weatherflow.js
10 +- modules/default/weather/providers/weathergov.js
38 +- modules/default/weather/providers/yr.js
17 +- modules/default/weather/weather.js
13 +- modules/default/weather/weatherutils.js
36 +- package-lock.json
4724 ++++++++++---------- package.json
51 +- splashscreen/MagicMirror.plymouth
8 - splashscreen/MagicMirror.script
53 - splashscreen/splash.png
Bin 37062 -> 0 bytes splashscreen/splash_halt.png
Bin 22304 -> 0 bytes tests/configs/customregions.js
23 + .../modules/calendar/exdate_la_at_midnight_dst.js
3 +- .../modules/calendar/exdate_la_at_midnight_std.js
3 +- .../modules/calendar/exdate_la_before_midnight.js
3 +- .../modules/calendar/exdate_syd_at_midnight_dst.js
3 +- .../modules/calendar/exdate_syd_at_midnight_std.js
3 +- .../modules/calendar/exdate_syd_before_midnight.js
3 +- .../configs/modules/calendar/long-fullday-event.js
3 +- .../modules/calendar/single-fullday-event.js
3 +- .../modules/calendar/sliceMultiDayEvents.js
30 + .../modules/compliments/compliments_cron_entry.js
18 + .../compliments/compliments_e2e_cron_entry.js
18 + tests/e2e/animateCSS_spec.js
2 +- tests/e2e/custom_module_regions_spec.js
30 + tests/e2e/helpers/global-setup.js
57 +- tests/e2e/modules/calendar_spec.js
11 - tests/e2e/modules/compliments_spec.js
11 + tests/e2e/modules/newsfeed_spec.js
31 +- tests/e2e/modules/weather_hourly_spec.js
4 +- tests/e2e/modules_display_spec.js
2 +- tests/e2e/serveronly_spec.js
2 +- tests/electron/modules/calendar_spec.js
123 +- tests/electron/modules/compliments_spec.js
36 + tests/mocks/sliceMultiDayEvents.ics
58 + tests/unit/functions/server_functions_spec.js
6 +- .../modules/default/weather/weather_utils_spec.js
2 +- vendor/package-lock.json
36 +- vendor/package.json
3 +- vendor/vendor.js
3 +- 84 files changed, 4147 insertions(+), 3078 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 .eslintignore delete mode 100644 .eslintrc.json rename .github/workflows/{depsreview.yaml => dep-review.yaml} (90%) rename .github/workflows/{electronRebuild.yaml => electron-rebuild.yaml} (77%)
create mode 100644 cspell.config.json
create mode 100644 eslint.config.mjs delete mode 100755 installers/ delete mode 100644 splashscreen/MagicMirror.plymouth delete mode 100644 splashscreen/MagicMirror.script delete mode 100644 splashscreen/splash.png delete mode 100644 splashscreen/splash_halt.png
create mode 100644 tests/configs/customregions.js
create mode 100644 tests/configs/modules/calendar/sliceMultiDayEvents.js
create mode 100644 tests/configs/modules/compliments/compliments_cron_entry.js
create mode 100644 tests/configs/modules/compliments/compliments_e2e_cron_entry.js
create mode 100644 tests/e2e/custom_module_regions_spec.js
create mode 100644 tests/mocks/sliceMultiDayEvents.ics
processor architecture is armv7l
updating MagicMirror runtime, please wait
> magicmirror@2.29.0 postinstall
> npm run install-vendor && npm run install-fonts && echo "MagicMirror² installation finished successfully!
> "
> magicmirror@2.29.0 install-vendor
> echo "Installing vendor files ...
> " && cd vendor && npm install --loglevel=error --no-audit --no-fund --no-update-notifier
Installing vendor files ...
added 1 package, and changed 1 package in 9s
> magicmirror@2.29.0 install-fonts
> echo "Installing fonts ...
> " && cd fonts && npm install --loglevel=error --no-audit --no-fund --no-update-notifier
Installing fonts ...
changed 2 packages in 5s
MagicMirror² installation finished successfully!
> magicmirror@2.29.0 prepare
> [ -f node_modules/.bin/husky ] && husky || echo no husky installed.
no husky installed.
added 466 packages in 1m
112 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
npm install completed - Tue Oct 1 16:07:21 CDT 2024 on base
fixing sandbox permissions
Checking for modules with removed libraries
downloading dumpactivemodules script
updating dependencies for active modules with package.json files
processing for module MMM-Fuel please wait
added 17 packages, and audited 18 packages in 9s
8 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
found 0 vulnerabilities
processing complete for module MMM-Fuel
restoring custom.css
removing git alias
Upgrade ended - Tue Oct 1 16:07:33 CDT 2024