I am using the module made by Bugsounet and I noticed that I cannot control my domotics with it like normal Google devices like ie. the Nest Hub 2nd Gen, etc.
Is there anything I need to edit or to add to be able to achieve it?
I am using the module made by Bugsounet and I noticed that I cannot control my domotics with it like normal Google devices like ie. the Nest Hub 2nd Gen, etc.
Is there anything I need to edit or to add to be able to achieve it?
@myfingersarecold said in MMM-MPlayer:
I couldnt get the EXT-FreeboxTV module to work on my magic mirror
Out of curiosity what was the issue with it?
I use that module all the time to watch the TV channels of my Enigma2 decoder.
@wishmaster270 here is the code of my RTSPStream module thanks. 🙂
I replaced my video doorbell RTSP stream with some testing live HTTPS camera one as I couldn’t find a working RTSP testing stream.
Take your time as long as it takes. 👍🏼
module: "MMM-RTSPStream",
position: "middle_center",
disabled: false,
config: {
autoStart: false,
rotateStreams: true,
rotateStreamTimeout: 10,
moduleWidth: 500,
moduleHeight: 281,
localPlayer: 'vlc',
moduleOffset: { left: -170, top: -125 },
remotePlayer: 'ffmpeg',
showSnapWhenPaused: false,
remoteSnaps: false,
shutdownDelay: 12,
stream1: {
name: 'Videocitofono',
url: 'https://99663300.hopto.org:19526/Jpeg/1?authToken=7f9c4ca8-e776-40c9-b242-6882b7b4775e&1727250645145',
frameRate: 'undefined',
width: 500,
height: 281,
muted: true,
ffmpegPort: 9999,
@wishmaster270 said in [MMM-MQTTbridge] A module to publish and receive MQTT messages:
@Cr4z33 Hi,
think I found the problem.
You need to send streamX as value where X is the number of the stream in the configuration of MMM-RTSPStream.
You will need to configure the camera information in the MMM-RTSPStream module and only will be able to start the stream by notification
Hi mate I am coming back after a long time because real life was very busy lately and I could get back at this only in the last 2 days.
So based on your reply I set mqttDictionary.js like this
var mqttHook = [
mqttTopic: "zigbee2mqtt/BTicino F20T60A",
mqttPayload: [
payloadValue: "",
mqttNotiCmd: ["POWERMETER"],
mqttPayload: ""
mqttTopic: "DahuaVTO/VideoTalkLog/Event",
mqttPayload: [
jsonpath: "Action",
conditions: [
type: "eq",
value: "Pulse"
mqttNotiCmd: ["videocitofono"]
var mqttNotiCommands = [
commandId: "POWERMETER",
commandId: "videocitofono",
notiID: "RTSP-PLAY",
notiPayload: "stream1"
module.exports = { mqttHook, mqttNotiCommands};
Although stream1
is the one and only stream used in MMM-RTSPStream I still get no playback when the doorbell button is pressed, but if I start the stream by clicking on the module’s playback button then it works.
I paste here also the PM2 log line (note that sensitive data have been censored) when the doorbell button is pressed:
[23.09.2024 12:36.03.216] [LOG] [MQTT bridge] MQTT message received. Topic: DahuaVTO/VideoTalkLog/Event, message: {
"Action": "Pulse",
"Code": "VideoTalkLog",
"Data": {
"EndState": "Missed",
"LocalNumber": "9901",
"LocaleTime": "2024-09-23 12:36:03",
"RealUTC": 1727087763,
"TalkTime": 0,
"UTC": 1727091363.0
"Index": 0,
"deviceType": "DHI-VTO2202F-P-S2",
"serialNumber": "*******"
Can you please see why it’s not working yet? 🙏🏼
@sdetweil said in [MMM-MQTTbridge] A module to publish and receive MQTT messages:
@Cr4z33 said in [MMM-MQTTbridge] A module to publish and receive MQTT messages:
although I can see the MQTT event if running MM by npm start
if using pm2 to autolaunch MM, then
pm2 logs --lines=xxxx
will show you the last xxxx of the output
@wishmaster270 said in [MMM-MQTTbridge] A module to publish and receive MQTT messages:
@Cr4z33 Hi,
think I found the problem.
You need to send streamX as value where X is the number of the stream in the configuration of MMM-RTSPStream.
You will need to configure the camera information in the MMM-RTSPStream module and only will be able to start the stream by notification
Thank you both will do as soon as I am back at home again!
@wishmaster270 thank you again!
However nothing happens in the MagicMirror frontend (although I can see the MQTT event if running MM by npm start
[23.07.2024 17:15.55.132] [LOG] [MQTT bridge] MQTT message received. Topic: DahuaVTO/VideoTalkLog/Event, message: {"Action":"Pulse","Data":{"EndState":"Missed","LocalNumber":"9901","LocaleTime":"2024-07-23 17:15:55","RealUTC":1721747755,"TalkTime":0,"UTC":1721751355}}
I suspect that I am entering the wrong data at
What shall I enter? Just the IP address or something like ie.
@wishmaster270 sorry to bother you again.
Right now my mqtt Dictionary.js looks like this
var mqttHook = [
mqttTopic: "zigbee2mqtt/BTicino F20T60A",
mqttPayload: [
payloadValue: "",
mqttNotiCmd: ["POWERMETER"],
mqttPayload: ""
var mqttNotiCommands = [
commandId: "POWERMETER",
module.exports = { mqttHook, mqttNotiCommands};
so how should I add the new piece of code please?
@wishmaster270 thank you mate!
Yeah I will add a timeout command as I don’t think it will take much to search for it. 🙂
@wishmaster270 I would like to intercept the MQTT event of when my Dahua video doorbell is pressed and send the stream to MMM-RTSPStream, but I don’t really know how to get the two modules to “talk” to each other… 😅
So looking at DahuaVTO2MQTT registry this comes out when the doorbell button is pressed:
MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/VideoTalkLog/Event, Payload: {"Action":"Pulse","Data":{"EndState":"Missed","LocalNumber":"9901","LocaleTime":"2024-07-22 10:09:27","RealUTC":1721635767,"TalkTime":0,"UTC":1721639367}}
Now looking at MMM-RTSPStream readme this is the section where it explains how to control it from other modules (aka MMM-MQTTbridge), but as I said above it didn’t make sense to me.
Can you please help me (at least on your module’s side)?
@gonzonia alright thanks anyway for giving it a try. :)