Just a further update… Environment Canada actually got back to me and confirmed that they did have a problem with load balance caching and this has now been resolved. I confirmed with my own MM that the correct data is being returned to the weather module’s envCanada provider.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: [Weather - Env Canada] Forcast days name is the reverse order of the data.
RE: Environment Canada Weather Module
Nice job! I wrote the default module code but always wanted to see a dedicated module with a better UI. I like what you’ve done!
RE: Introduce yourself!
Hello! My name is Kevin and I am from London, Ontario, Canada. I’m 58 years old and recently retired after 37 years in the IT profession - started as a software developer and then somehow morphed into a Senior Architect designing various things such contact centres and voice applications. I also very occasionally teach IT courses at our local college. I’ve been married for over 30 years and have 2 grown children.
I enjoy tinkering (without always knowing what I’m doing), hiking, traveling, and playing hockey because Canada :)
My COVID project has been to build a ‘family info screen’ using the MM framework. It is hanging in my kitchen and currently doing things such display family photos from a local NAS, show local weather, show local waste collection calendar, etc. all with voice support. I will say that if not for the patience of this community, I would not have been successful with this build! My current project is to create a new provider for the default weather module to pull data from Environment Canada - seen running here on my MM build:
I look forward to adding more functionality to my display in the future!