So i found the solution if anyone needs this.
To show the details you only have to activate “Allow Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)” in Octoprint API Key Settings
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: [octomirror-module] Monitor & Control an OctoPrint 3D Printer Server
RE: [octomirror-module] Monitor & Control an OctoPrint 3D Printer Server
Hi, I have the same problem as @TheMysticle . I have tried changing nearly everything, but the only thing i got is the Camera Stream. The Api must be working, because i use this also in my Home Assistant and there i got all the Informations.
The Installation was made from is my config
{ module: "octomirror-module", position: "bottom_left", config: { url: "", api_key: "1234567890ABCDEF", printerName: "Ender 3", showTemps: true, showDetailsWhenOffline: true, interactive: false, // Set to false to hide the file drop down and only show the stream. } },
Maybe someone has an Idea
RE: MMM-AssistantMk2
I hope this will help
{ module: "MMM-AssistantMk2", position: "top_right", config: { // --- ESSENTIALS / modifying for your environment might be needed. deviceLocation: { coordinates: { // set the latitude and longitude of the device to get localized information like weather or time. (ref. latitude: 47.809490, // -90.0 - +90.0 longitude: 13.055010, // -180.0 - +180.0 }, }, defaultProfile: "default", // If you have several profiles and want to set one of them as default profile, describe here. profiles: { "default" : { // profile name. profileFile: "default.json", // profile file name. lang: "de-DE" //currently available (estimation, not all tested): // de-DE, en-AU, en-CA, en-GB, en-US, en-IN // fr-CA, fr-FR, it-IT, ja-JP, es-ES, es-MX, ko-KR, pt-BR // }, /* Add your other profiles here, if exists. "other_profile" : { profileFile: "other.json", lang: "de-DE" } */ }, record: { // Full values are in `FOR EXPERTS` section. recordProgram: "arecord", // Defaults to "arecord" - also supports "rec" and "sox" device: null // recording device (e.g.: "plughw:1") }, play: { // Full values are in `FOR EXPERTS` section. playProgram: "mpg321", // recommended. }, // --- OPTIONAL / not important but customizable for your usage responseVoice: true, // If available, Assistant will response with her voice. responseScreen: true, // If available, Assistant will response with some rendered HTML responseAlert: true, // If available, Assistant will response with Alert module of MM // Sometimes, any response might not be returned. responseAlert is useful for displaying error. screenZoom: "80%", // Adjust responseScreen to your mirror size. screenDuration: 2000, // milliseconds. How long responseScreen will be shown after speech. //If you set 0, Screen Output will be closed after Response speech finishes ASAP. youtubeAutoplay: true, //If set as true, found Youtube video will be played automatically. pauseOnYoutube:true, //If set as true, You cannot activate Assistant during youtube playing. Recommended for the performance (Because permanent hotword detecting might make performance lower) useWelcomeMessage: "", //Try "brief today" as this value. You can use this value to check module working when MM is starting. onIdle: { timer: 1000*60*30, // if you don't want to use this feature, just set timer as `0` or command as "" command: "HIDEMODULES" }, onActivate: { timer: 0, command: "SHOWMODULES" }, // --- FOR EXPERTS / For development, debug or more verbose:false, // You can get error or some logs when this value is set as true. startChime: "connection.mp3", // you can use `mp3` to play chime when your mic is ready. It should be playable with your `play.playProgram` noChimeOnSay: false, // When using the `ASSISTANT_SAY` trigger, you can prevent the chime from being played before your words auth: { // I believe you don't need to change this. keyFilePath: "./credentials.json" }, record: { // Full version sampleRate : 16000, // audio sample rate threshold : 0.5, // silence threshold (rec only) thresholdStart: null, // silence threshold to start recording, overrides threshold (rec only) thresholdEnd : null, // silence threshold to end recording, overrides threshold (rec only) silence : 1.0, // seconds of silence before ending verbose : false, // log info to the console recordProgram : "arecord", // Defaults to "arecord" - also supports "rec" and "sox" device : null // recording device (e.g.: "plughw:1") }, play: { // Full version encodingOut: "MP3", //'MP3' or 'WAV' is available, but you might not need to modify this. sampleRateOut: 24000, playProgram: "mpg321", //Your prefer sound play program. By example, if you are running this on OSX, `afplay` could be available. playOption: [], // If you need additional options to use playProgram, describe here. (except filename) // e.g: ["-d", "", "-t", "100"] }, useGactionCLI: false, // If set as true, you can update your gAction when MM is rebooted. projectId: "", // Google Assistant ProjectId (Required only when you use gAction.) deviceModelId: "", // It should be described in your config.json. In most of case, you don't need to this. deviceInstanceId: "", // It should be described in your config.json. In most of case, you don't need to this. action:{}, // You can catch your gAction command. transcriptionHook: {}, // You can catch transcription hook and be able to make your own `COMMAND` with this. //See the `transcriptionHook` section. command: {}, // You can make your own MM command for gAction and transcriptionHook //See the `command` section. record: { recordProgram : "arecord", device : "plughw:1", }, notifications: { ASSISTANT_ACTIVATED: "HOTWORD_PAUSE", ASSISTANT_DEACTIVATED: "HOTWORD_RESUME", }, notifications: { // You can redefine these notifications to communicate with specific modules. ASSISTANT_ACTIVATE: "ASSISTANT_ACTIVATE", ASSISTANT_DEACTIVATE: "ASSISTANT_CLEAR", ASSISTANT_ACTIVATED: "ASSISTANT_ACTIVATED", ASSISTANT_DEACTIVATED: "ASSISTANT_DEACTIVATED", ASSISTANT_ACTION: "ASSISTANT_ACTION", ASSISTANT_ACTIVATED: "HOTWORD_PAUSE", ASSISTANT_DEACTIVATED: "HOTWORD_RESUME", DEFAULT_HOOK_NOTIFICATION: "ASSISTANT_HOOK", TEXT_QUERY: "ASSISTANT_QUERY", SAY_TEXT: "ASSISTANT_SAY", } } }, { module: "MMM-Hotword", config: { snowboy: [ { hotwords: "smartmirror", //this will be sent to other module for distinguishing which hotword is detected. file: "resources/models/smart_mirror.umdl", sensitivity: '0.5', }, { hotwords: "snowboy", file: "resources/models/snowboy.umdl", sensitivity: '0.5', }, { file: 'resources/models/jarvis.umdl', sensitivity: '0.8,0.80', hotwords: ['jarvis','jarvis'] // changed their Jarvis UMDL, it has 2 models in one file. So weird. //anyway, you can give different name for each. ['jarvis_1', 'jarvis_2']. Even though I think this is useless. } ], record: { sampleRate : 16000, // audio sample rate threshold : 0.5, // silence threshold (rec only) thresholdStart: null, // silence threshold to start recording, overrides threshold (rec only) thresholdEnd : null, // silence threshold to end recording, overrides threshold (rec only) silence : 1.0, // seconds of silence before ending verbose : false, // log info to the console. Use this when you want to check mic working or not. recordProgram : 'arecord', // Defaults to 'arecord' - also supports 'rec' and 'sox' device : null // recording device (e.g.: 'plughw:1') }, autostart: true, // if 'false', this module will wait for 'HOTWORD_RESUME' notification to start hotwords detection at the beginning. autorestart: false, // You can set this 'true' when you want this module to go back to listening mode automatically again after hotword is detected. But use this carefully when your other modules are using microphone or speaker. // customizable notification trigger notifications: { PAUSE: "HOTWORD_PAUSE", RESUME: "HOTWORD_RESUME", LISTENING : "HOTWORD_LISTENING", SLEEPING : "HOTWORD_SLEEPING", ERROR : "HOTWORD_ERROR", }, onDetected: { notification: (payload) => { return "HOTWORD_DETECTED" }, payload: (payload) => { return payload } }, record: { recordProgram : "arecord", device : "plughw:1", }, autostart:true, onDetected: { notification: function (payload) { return "ASSISTANT_ACTIVATE" }, payload: function (payload){ return { profile: payload.hotword } } }, }, },
RE: MMM-AssistantMk2
i am using a normal rPi 3B without + and the answering time is really fast … maybe some other Module which is interacting?
RE: MMM-AssistantMk2
to 1) which Hardware are you using?
to 2) i say the Hotword and then “play on youtube …” and it is working -
RE: MMM-AssistantMk2
@ejay-ibm :
i will try your setting, thx for your answer@Lowis :
i tried it with 30% and the same result, also with the mic in front of my mouth, no action to stop … the mic onscreen reacts to my voice, but the input field leaves blank, and there is also no timeout for another input -
RE: MMM-AssistantMk2
@Sean : First of all, great Work from your side, my Assistant is working, but I have a question: Is it possible, that the answer box from google could stay a little bit longer onscreen? I also tried your custom.css customization, but it doesn’t work, changing it in MMM-AssistantMk2.css was successful, any suggestions?
@Lowis : you wrote that your Radio is running, i was also successful, but are you also able to stop it with the voice command? My Mic reacts on saying the Hotword, but then nothing happens. Only a reboot stops the Radio