@broberg Thanks, i had changed the urgency to 0 after seeing what it did. Now i just had to solve the problem that all events within 6h would say “in 2 hours” instead of displaying the actual event time… After a bit of searching in the code i found this section: if (event.startDate - now < 6 * one_hour) and changed it to if (event.startDate - now < 1 * one_hour) , hence the calendar wold display the exact time not the time untill. (see code below)
if (event.startDate >= new Date()) {
if (event.startDate - now < 2 * one_day) {
// This event is within the next 48 hours (2 days)
if (event.startDate - now < 1 * one_hour) {
// If event is within 1 hour, display 'in xxx' time format or moment.fromNow()
timeWrapper.innerHTML = moment(event.startDate, "x").fromNow();
} else {
// Otherwise just say 'Today/Tomorrow at such-n-such time'
timeWrapper.innerHTML = moment(event.startDate, "x").calendar();