I’m using this module. Thank you for developing it. Everything seems to work normal except that it’s not scanning for new added or deleted photo from the albums.
I’m using the node serveronly command to start the MagicMirror2 without no errors reporting. I couldn’t figured with npm start dev. I have activated the debug, and only once it’s scanning the album.
Is this config parameter still working: scanInterval: 1000*60*10,
As for me it isn’t and I saw it’s not described in readme doc. Or is there any other way to let the module scan automatically for new added photos?
I only found the way of refreshing the browsing page, which works but it’s not what I need.
This is my config:
module: "MMM-GooglePhotos",
position: "fullscreen_below",
config: {
albums: ["TESTARE"],
updateInterval: 100 * 60, // minimum 10 seconds.
scanInterval: 1000*60, //10 minutes
sort: "new", // "old", "random"
uploadAlbum: null, // Only album created by `create_uploadable_album.js`.
condition: {
fromDate: null, // Or "2018-03", RFC ... format available
toDate: null, // Or "2019-12-25",
minWidth: null, // Or 400
maxWidth: null, // Or 8000
minHeight: null, // Or 400
maxHeight: null, // Or 8000
minWHRatio: null,
maxWHRatio: null,
// WHRatio = Width/Height ratio ( ==1 : Squared Photo, < 1 : Portraited Photo, > 1 : Landscaped Photo)
showWidth: 1080, // These values will be used for quality of downloaded photos to show. real size to show in your MagicMirror region is recommended.
showHeight: 1920,
//timeFormat: "YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm", // Or `relative` can be used.