New to coding so I’m sure I’m doing something wrong, but can someone please help me. I have the calendar module up and running with an iCloud calendar, but I cannot get it to update with the fetchInterval configuration. I also cannot get it to hide events that have already started with the hideOngoing and I also can’t get it to show the end times of events with the showEnd. Any advice would be appreciated. here is my code; it’s basically the default stuff with just the config options I wanted put into it. In this example I have the fetchInterval set to to 30 seconds just to test. When I add a new event to the calendar or delete one it doesn’t ever update. I have left it run for hours and it still does not update. Even the events that say something like “ends in xxx minutes” never changes. The only time I can ever get the calendar to update is if I quit MagicMirror and reload it.
module: "calendar",
header: "Upcoming Events",
position: "top_left",
config: {
calendars: [
maximumNumberOfDays: "3",
symbol: "calendar-check",
fetchInterval: "30000",
hideOngoing: "true",
showEnd: "false",