just under a month time to order :)
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: [DONE] New two way community order for all european countries - Open until 03 June 2018
RE: [DONE] New two way community order for all european countries - Open until 03 June 2018
@sfx said in New two way community order for all european countries - Open until 03 June 2018:
This looks interesting. I already have an acrylic mirror (121 x 60,5 cm) but I’m not at all happy with the quality. Your mirror has the same thickness, so replacing would be easy. What are the tolerances for the dimensions of the glass?
Only a few orders so far, will you go through with the order anyway? If so, what’s the expected delivery date?
Tolerances are almost nonexistent, these are in the tenth to hundredth range. The order will be made regardless of the number of orders. The expected delivery date is the beginning of July.
RE: [DONE] New two way community order for all european countries - Open until 03 June 2018
@rufu said in New two way community order for all european countries - Open until 03 June 2018:
Hi Chriz,
I now realized, that I switched the width and height in the table - of course it does not matter for a regular mirror, but as I have no experience with this kind of mirrors and I want to make sure there will be no disortions if I rotate it 90 degrees :-)
I know it’s a stupid question, but it’s not cheapest, so I’d rather be sure.
it makes no difference :)
Two way community order for all european countries - Open until 24 march 2019
Hi Guys,
time for the next big collective order here in the forum :)
for all who do not know me yet, in the first post of this thread I have presented myself in detail:
https://forum.magicmirror.builders/topic/1011/order-closed-two-way-mirror-order-in-germanyThe offered mirror is very popular here in the forum and the resonances are very positive. Meanwhile, I have already shipped over 90 mirrors to the users here in the forum ;)
Here are a few reviews, which I received by private message. Other reviews and informations are also available in the respective threads:
https://forum.magicmirror.builders/topic/6804/done-new-two-way-community-order-for-all-european-countries-open-until-03-june-2018User: Beh
Hi Chris, My mirrors arrived some days ago. They really look astonishing! thanks for all your work! If you need any help for making your online shop work, I’d offer my manpower to help you to get more people to this awesome glass! Let me know, if you need anything. greetings!User: MyMirror
Hi Chriz,
i get the mirrors for Luttich and me and they looked great. Even though it took some time, i would like to thank you for your time and effort. THANKSUser:kurt
Hi Chris your mirror arrived yesterday unbroken! Thanks a lot for the imense effort. As my english is not so good…vielenvielen Dank für die Mühe die du dir gemacht hast. Wann immer in meinem Freundeskreis die Rede von MagicMirror ist, muss ich deinen Beitrag und Einsatz zu diesem Projekt erwähnen. Nochmals vielen Dank und es wird zwar noch eine Weile dauern bis der Spiegel an der Wand ist, aber wenn es soweit ist, kommen natürlich ein paar Fotos ins forum. LG. aus WienUser: BenElMarine
Hi Chriz, danke für den Spiegel. Ist am Samstag hier unversehrt eingetroffen. Sieht super ausUser: MrGrape
Hi Chriz, my mirror also arrived in The Netherlands today. I’m impressed by the way it was packed, very nice work! Many thanks for everything, looking forward to test it the coming weekend!!User: Rudibarani
the packaging was kind of a masterpiece in itself!User: derRAV3N
just got my mirror a few minutes ago. Now I just need a proper way of opening the package. Good job on that 🙂Edit: got it out of the package. Looks great. Thank you.
User: buzztiger
Thanks to Chriz for providing this service. My mirror arrived as wellUser: qu1que
Hello @ Goldjunge_Chriz, I also received the mirror today. I liked it a lot, only that I had made up the idea that it was a little thicker, but even better for the piece of furniture that I am building (I will put pictures in the “show your mirror” section of the forum when is finished).and so on… :)
Here you will find a video of the user mantha, who used my mirror for his project.
For this new order he following requirements are valid:
- All users from Europe are welcome
- The acceptance is 24.02.2019
- No self-collection, only shipping
The known conditions from the last orders are still valid:
• 355 € / m²
• 9 € per meter polished edges.
• Shipping within Germany (max. 110cm x 80cm) 49.90€
• Shipping to BE, NL, LU, FRA, AT, PL, DK, EE, FI, FR, UK, IE, IT, LV, LI, LT, MC, PT, SE, SK, SI, ES, CZ, HU (max. 110cm x 80cm) 79.90€+++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Additional insights about the mirror glass:
• The mirror glass works easily with cameras and motion detection systems behind it
• The mirror glass can easily be glued for the frame-free use.++++++++++++++++++++++++++
If you are interested, please register in the list below. If you do not know how to enter the list, contact me directly, so I can register you.
Please use the old Threads for further information and pictures of the glass:
https://forum.magicmirror.builders/topic/6804/done-new-two-way-community-order-for-all-european-countries-open-until-03-june-2018Best regards
Chriz# username width (m) height (m) real area (m²) area to pay for (min. 0,4 m²) location of delivery additional comments (like polished edges) confirmed 1 -
RE: Two way community order for all european countries - Open until 24 march 2019
@goldjunge_chriz said in [ORDER CLOSED] Two way mirror order in Germany:
Unfortunately, I can not name the manufacturer, because he wants to avoid individual requests from individuals which cause a high administrative effort. If I would tell the manufacturer he would get daily mails of people who want only one mirror and I get anger ;)
RE: Two way community order for all european countries - Open until 24 march 2019
this is already possible, but unfortunately the 0.4 sqm per mirror have to be paid. with 6 cube sides, you would have to pay 2.4 square meters or build the cube accordingly larger. This will not change, as each glass supplier handles all types of glasses with the minimum surface area…By the way, I find the cube really great :)
RE: Two way community order for all european countries - Open until 24 march 2019
Another solution would be to order the mirror in an appropriate size and cut it into six parts. Maybe you have a glazier in your area who can do that for you or a mechanical engineering company with a water jet cutting machine or a laser cutter -
RE: *NEW LIST 29.06.2021* Two way community order for mirror glass for all european countries - Open until at least 10 people have entered
the first mirror from the left is my product, the 5th is the ChromeSpy :)
the glass in the middle is a normal mirror, for better comparability
RE: *NEW LIST 29.06.2021* Two way community order for mirror glass for all european countries - Open until at least 10 people have entered
@Ivanov_d said in Two way community order for mirror glass for all european countries - Open until at least 10 people have entered the list:
Merry Christmas to all. @Goldjunge_Chriz any way you can make us happier by preparing the orders that have been accumulated so far?
Unfortunately not. 10 people are really the lowest limit, below this number the mirrors will be not produced by the producer. I was able to lower this in the past with a few negotiations because it was at least 20 square meters in the beginning. Back then, that was not an issue, I had up to 50 orders per community order. times have just changed …
RE: *NEW LIST 29.06.2021* Two way community order for mirror glass for all european countries - Open until at least 10 people have entered
@lolo said in Two way community order for mirror glass for all european countries - Open until at least 10 people have entered the list:
Merry Christmas to all.
I would like to place an order.
size 0.7x0.84 m, polished edges, delivery CroatiaI will add you to the list, when I’m back from holidays :)