Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Two way mirror order for Europe - Orders closed!
++++++++++Breaking News++++++++++
I now announce the execution of the second order. :) This will be the last order in this form and over the forum, which is why I would like to give you here again the possibility to discounted conditions. Also, it will be the last order, where a self-pickup will be possible :)
I have now set up a small company to handle all the orders Professional, a Bill is now available too ;) Since I have to pay some taxes now, I have to adjust the prices.
The new conditions are as follows:
- 355 € / m²
- 9 € per meter polished edges.
- Shipping within Germany 49,90 € (Up to 2,00m x 1,20m)
- Shipping to Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Northern France (up to Paris), Austria and Poland 79,90 € (Up to 2,00m x 1,20m)
- Shipping to Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Rest of France, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lichtenstein, Lithuania, Monaco, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republic, Hungary 79,90 € (Up to 1,00m x 0,80m)
A deposit system is introduced when sending by post (all mirrors below 1.00 x 0.8). Anyone who returns me the crate afterwards, gets 10 euros discount on the shipping and has no work with the crate to dispose :)
List of interested people
New additional insights about the mirror glass we could make from the first order:
- The mirror glass works easily with cameras and motion detection systems behind it
- The mirror glass can easily be glued for the frame-free use.
I would also like to announce (very proud) that I am currently working with @gustav1976 on a webshop for the mirror. We are in the planning phase and are in constant exchange about the future implementation. @gustav1976 aka Max is an independent IT consultant and builds this shop with a lot of heart blood and effort. It’s really great that this joint project was created through the forum and we can use it to serve the market in the long term. The shop will hopefully go online in the next months :)
Of course, the maintenance, care and operation of a webshop also has running costs, which we have to consider further later. Therefore, I would like to offer you this one time a last collective order at the discounted price. Also a pickup will not be possible in the later webshop operation. Here in this collective order I give you again the possibility of self-collection and am glad to meet one or the other.
The current order list I leave now still open until 23.04.2017, 9 pm. Anyone interested can be registered in the list by then. After that, as with the first order, one week will be time to confirm its details and then I will give the transfer information to everyone. After receipt of all payments due, I will order the mirrors and after I received them (about 3 weeks) I send them to you. If everything goes smoothly, you should have received all your mirrors in late May / early June :)
I hope you are happy about these news and I am really glad about the great interest ;)
Information from the old thread from Goldjunge_Chriz:
Hello community,
during the last months I read a lot here without beeing a member of this forum. The Magicmirror itself, your ideas and implementation is really facinating. You all do a great job, thank you.
Now, I am in the situation to give you something back and can help you to find the right glass for your magicmirror.
Short information about me: I am a Project Manager of an big german glass facade company. We process nearly 250.000 sqaremeters of glass every year. Through my Position, I have really good connections to the glass industry and was able to test some different samples during the last weeks. (first picture below)
Finally I found a glass, which is perfect for the Magicmirror. It is a combination between Spy Mirror and Sun Protection glass. It can’t be distinguished from a normal Mirror, the transmisson from behind is really good, it’s really thin and in this case really lightweight. The thickness of the Mirror is only 3mm and is unbelievable light (Calculation glassweight: area in squaremeters x thickness of the glass x 2,5 Example: A mirror with the measurements of 80x60 cm only weight 3,6 kg). I think this is the best mirror for our projects. (see the other 4 pictures, 2 x daylight outside , 2 x night outside)
Since the glass producer not supply his products to private individuals, I am able to order the mirrors through my company for you. The condition for an order is a min quantity of 20 squaremeters.
I opened this thread to help you finding the right mirror and to ask whether some of you are Interested in a bulk order. The gross price is 296 € per squarmeter including freight, energy costs and truck toll. I know, at first that sounds a lot, but when you calculate it for your nessasary mesurements (Height in meter x width in meter x 296 €, for example: 0,8m x 0,6m x 296 € = 142,08 Euro) I think the price is attractiv. The properties, espacially the thinness and the lightweight speaks for itself. The condition for each mirror is that your area must be more than 0,4 sqaremeter. This is necessary for the manufacturing process. The mirror can be produced millimeter-accurate. Shipping time from glass producer to me is about three weeks. then I will send it out to you or you can come to me and pick it up here.
I know that it is probably not the best price on market, but others sell 8mm thick mirrors which weight three times more than this one and the mirror surface looks darker than normal mirrors.
If there are enough interested members here, I wanna learn how to pack and send it out safety. Or you can come to me and pick it up by yourself too(Near Schweinfurt/Bavaria).
If you are interested, please comment this thread with your required measurements. Lets have a look, whether we can get the 20 sqaremeter.
I’m not a trader or something like that, in this case I can’t give you a bill. I only want to give you something back for the great support here. I hope I can help some of you.
Hallo Community,
Ich bin schon seit einiger Zeit hier stiller Mitleser. Das Projekt Magicmirror selbst und eure Ideen und Umsetzungen sind wahnsinnig faszinierend. Ihr macht wirklich einen tollen Job! Danke dafür.
Nun bin ich in der Situation wo ich euch selbst etwas zurückgeben kann bzw. Euch bei der Glassuche eine neue Lösung präsentieren darf.
Kurz zu mir: Ich bin Projektleiter eines großen deutschen Glasfassadenbauers. Jährlich verarbeiten wir knapp 250.000 qm Glas. Aufgrund meiner Position im Unternehmen habe ich sehr gute Kontakte zur Glasindustrie und konnte die letzten Wochen viele Muster besorgen und diese testen. Hierzu habe ich euch ein Bild beigefügt, um den Testumfang zu veranschaulichen. (Siehe Bild 1)
Letztendlich habe ich ein Glas entdeckt, welches genau den Ansprüchen für den Bau eines MagicMirror entspricht. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Mischung aus Spionglas und Sonnenschutzglas. Die Spiegelfläche ist nicht von einem normalen Spiegel zu unterscheiden, die Transmisson von hinten ist hervorragend, er ist sehr schmal und dadurch besonders Leicht. Da der Spiegel nur eine geringe Stärke von 3mm vorweist und dadurch unglaublich leicht ist (Die Formel zur Berechnung des Glasgewichtes lautet: Fläche in qm × Scheibendicke x 2,5, somit wiegt zum Beispiel ein Spiegel mit den Abmessungen 80x60cm nur 3,6 kg), handelt es sich meiner Meinung nach um die perfekte Lösung. (Siehe weitere 4 Bilder, 2 x bei Tageslicht, 2 x künstliche Beleuchtung bei Nacht draußen)
Da die Glaserei Ihre Produkte jedoch leider nicht für Privatanwender anbietet, könnte ich die Spiegel über die Firma bestellen. Die Bedingung hierfür ist eine Mindestabnahme von ca. 20qm. Das Glas ist ein Nischenprodukt, welches so normal nicht im Fassadenbau eingesetzt wird.
Ich habe diesen Thread eröffnet, um euch die Suche nach einem passenden Spiegel zu erleichtern und zu fragen, ob eurerseits Interesse an einer Sammelbestellung besteht.
Der Spiegel kostet 296 € pro Quadratmeter Brutto inkl. Fracht, Energie- und und Mautkosten. Dies klingt wahrscheinlich zunächst für den ein oder anderen nach sehr viel, aber wenn Ihr es für eure benötigte Größe berechnet (Höhe in m x Breite in m x 295 €, Als Beispiel der Spiegel von oben 0,8m x 0,6m x 295 € = 142,08 Euro), ist der Preis sicherlich attraktiv. Und die Eigenschaften, allen voran die Stärke und das Gewicht sprechen für sich. Voraussetzung ist, dass Ihr mit euren Maßen eine Mindestfläche von 0,4 qm generiert, da diese aus fertigungstechnischen Gründen erforderlich ist. Die Spiegel können Millimetergenau nach euren Ansprüchen gefertigt werden. Die Lieferzeit vom Lieferanten zu mir beträgt ca. 3 Wochen, von Zuhause aus würde ich es euch dann weiterschicken bzw. Könntet ihr es bei mir abholen.
Vielleicht gibt es auf dem Markt einen etwas besseren Preis, aber dann sind es 8mm dicke Scheiben, die das 3-fache wiegen und von der Spiegelfläche her etwas dunkel wirken.
Falls genug Interessenten da sind, würde ich mich mit dem Versand beschäftigen und wie ich es bruchsicher für euch verpacken könnte. Angeliefert werden die Spiegel bei mit zusammen auf einem Glasgestell. Den Versand würde ich euch dann zum Selbstkostenpreis anbieten. Eine Abholung Nähe Schweinfurt (Ziemlich Zentral in Deutschland) wäre auch möglich und bevorzugt.
Falls Interesse eurerseits besteht, kommentiert bitte diesen Thread mit euren Wunschabmessungen, damit ich sehen kann, ob wir die 20qm zusammenbekommen.
Ich bin weder Händler noch ein Unternehmer, daher kann ich euch auch keine Rechnung ausstellen. Ich möchte lediglich die Chance nutzen etwas zurückzugeben und hoffe ich kann den einen oder anderen weiterhelfen.
Viele Grüße
Count me in!
sevenrockmirror // 0,6*0,8 // 0,48 // Munich // polished // pickup -
Good idea. Let’s see how many people still have interest in another order.
All informations can be found at -
@yawns said in Two way mirror order in Germany - Accumulation for 2nd round:
Please note this is not a real order list yet. Goldjunge_Chriz did not confirm he will work on a second order. This list is just to collect interested people and to get some figures for a brief overview.
# username sizes (m) area (m²) location additional comments pickup/delivery 01 dr.h8ball 0.8 x 0.6 0.48 Berlin polished edges delivery -
strawberry 3.141 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by strawberry 3.141 Apr 22, 2017, 5:46 PM Mar 10, 2017, 12:08 PM
# username width (m) height (m) real area (m²) area to pay for (m²) location additional comments (like polished edges) pickup/delivery 1 dr.h8ball 0,800 0,600 0,48 0,48 Berlin polished edges delivery 2 strawberry 3.141 0,900 0,650 0,585 0,585 Deutschland polished edges delivery 3 sevenrockmirror 0,600 0,800 0,48 0,48 Munich polished edges pickup 4 mymirror 0,725 0,850 0,61625 0,61625 Hamburg polished edges delivery 5 alex885 0,720 0,720 0,5184 0,5184 Munich ? ? 6 alex885 1,600 0,600 0,96 0,96 Munich ? ? 7 gerbin 0,900 0,750 0,675 0,675 Linz, Austria polished edges delivery 8 Pegasus 1,250 0,700 0,875 0,875 Linz, Austria polished edges delivery 9 yakko2001 0,450 0,650 0,2925 0,4 Munich polished edged pickup by sevenrockmirror 10 Suenos 0,800 0,600 0,48 0,48 Karlsruhe polished edges delivery 11 winu 0,800 0,600 0,48 0,48 Göttingen polished edges delivery 12 HeroicKatora 0,375 0,600 0,225 0,4 Munich polished edges pickup 13 Cyrill.Sneer 0,398 0,702 0,279396 0,4 Hannover polished edges delivery 14 Advokanten 0,930 0,520 0,4836 0,4836 Borås, Sweden polished edges delivery 15 Luttich 0,550 1,500 0,825 0,825 Hamburg polished edges delivery 16 MrQuacki 0,800 0,600 0,48 0,48 Chemnitz polished edges delivery 17 meanwhile 0,390 0,700 0,273 0,4 Augsburg polished edges delivery 18 Niggich 0,400 1,600 0,64 0,64 Heilbad Heiligenstadt polished edges delivery 19 klarckro 0,560 0,330 0,1848 0,4 Zurich, CH polished edges delivery 20 Beh 0,545 0,320 0,1744 0,4 Treuenbrietzen, Brandenburg polished edges delivery 21 Beh 0,630 0,365 0,22995 0,4 Treuenbrietzen, Brandenburg polished edges delivery 22 matthiasmwolf 0,900 0,600 0,54 0,54 Munich polished edges pickup by sevenrockmirror 23 Hawking 0,369 1,090 0,40221 0,40221 Munich polished edges pickup by sevenrockmirror 24 fanaman 0,560 1,300 0,728 0,728 Brussels polished edges delivery 25 jupilde 0,600 0,900 0,54 0,54 Stuttgart polished edges pickup 26 daenick 0,450 0,610 0,2745 0,4 Spain polished edges delivery 27 chris127 0,800 0,500 0,4 0,4 Hamburg polished edges delivery 28 Stinger 0,600 1,000 0,6 0,6 Norway polished edges delivery 29 wally9985 0,800 0,600 0,48 0,48 Koblenz polished edges delivery 30 series3c 0,550 0,352 0,1936 0,4 St. Gallen, Switzerland polished edges delivery 31 steffenmllr 0,600 0,700 0,42 0,42 Berlin polished edges delivery 32 nvkhq 0,530 0,300 0,159 0,4 south of france. (Aix En Provence) polished edges delivery 33 col_braddock 0,340 1,500 0,51 0,51 Glienicke, Brandenburg polished edges delivery 34 bangom ? ? Czech Rep. ? ? 35 Projekt95 0,800 0,500 0,4 0,4 Nuremberg polished edges delivery 36 siebendreissig 1,600 0,400 0,64 0,64 Coesfeld polished edges delivery 37 heinzschulze 0,840 0,630 0,5292 0,5292 Ludwigshafen polished edges delivery 38 Kleriker 0,875 0,514 0,44975 0,44975 Berlin polished edges delivery 39 sceletus 0,330 0,630 0,2079 0,4 Paris, France polished edges delivery 40 kurt 0,440 0,720 0,3168 0,4 Vienna, Austria polished edges delivery 41 dominikdh 0,785 0,785 0,616225 0,616225 Heilbronn polished edges pickup by jupilde 42 tomski 1,100 0,380 0,418 0,418 polished edges pickup Total 42 19,06 21,05 -
This post is deleted! -
# username sizes (m) area (m²) location additional comments (like polished edges) pickup/delivery 01 dr.h8ball 0.8 x 0.6 0.48 Berlin polished edges delivery 02 strawberry 3.141 ? x ? ??? I’m interested, but have no measurements at all, yet. Depends on if theres a second order and when it will be. 03 sevenrockmirror 0.6 x 0.8 0.48 Munich polished edges pickup Total 3 0.96 -
i am in! 0.72 x 0.72 m and 1.6x 0.6m , Munich
thanks, alex -
Hello, I am interestet too!
gerbin // 0,9m x 0,75m // Linz - Austria // polished // delivery -
@dr.h8ball said in Two way mirror order in Germany - Accumulation for 2nd round:
# username sizes (m) area (m²) location additional comments (like polished edges) pickup/delivery 01 dr.h8ball 0.8 x 0.6 0.48 Berlin polished edges delivery 02 strawberry 3.141 ? x ? ??? I’m interested, but have no measurements at all, yet. Depends on if theres a second order and when it will be. 03 sevenrockmirror 0.6 x 0.8 0.48 Munich polished edges pickup 04 mymirror 0.725 x 0.85 0.616 Hamburg polisched edges delivery Total 3 0.96 I’d would be great, if the second round would also work :-)