I works quite well, but :
When I request a long answer, like a weather report, it happens more than often,
that it stops working, i.e., there are no error messages, but the voice trigger will not work anymore.
Stopping and starting the service helps, but that is not a good workaround.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Can I change the timezone for AlexaPi ?
I am not alway in Seattle …
Thanks -
RE: MMM Google assistant
I did ,but no success.
I can change the assistant on my phone to german,
this does not seem to have a ‘global’ effect.
The assistant of my Magic Mirror still speaks english only. -
MMM Google assistant
Is there a way to make the assistant understand German ?
Thanks -
RE: magic-mirror-voice
Working my way through errors …
I am able to get it to load ( in serveronly mode ) :
After some time a message says :
Register Alexa Java Client by navigating to https://localhost:5555/provision/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I have to do this manually to make the loading continue.
It then throws an error message, tells me that the client is registered with a token, finishes loading and when I say mirror mirror, I can talk to Alexa
and get an answer, but :- the trigger works only once
- registering to get a token is fine, but not for each reboot/restart
- running not via serveronly will not work because of that
Here is probably something still wrong.
Any ideas ?
RE: Magic Mirror start
I just found out that this error happens only if I start with
node serveronly.
If I do an npm start, everything is fine.
Thanks -
RE: Magic Mirror start
That does not help.
I did the rebuild with the actual electron version 1.6.11 and an abi of 48,
but no difference.
Thanks. -
Can I set this to be shown in the background ?
As it is now, it is always on top of everything.