@bobbythemoh Let me quote the Readme.md for you.
This module doesn’t have its own visualisation, but it exposes information like the room temperature and other states other modules can and will use.
There is no UI, so it doesn’t make any sense to display it in the top right corner. Just uncomment position: "top_right",
and MMM-Loxone
won’t be displayed on your screen.
Motion sensor
Again, let me quote the Readme.md
If enabled this module will use the LightControllerV2 in the defined room to set the MagicMirror to sleep or wake it up
must be defined in yourconfig.json
- The defined Room must contain at lease one
must be defined and set to true in yourconfig.json
How it works:
The HDMI port of the Raspbery Pi will be dissabled, whenever you switch off your lights. Your monitor should then dissable its backlight automatically if there is no HDMI signal after a specific time.
Right now there is no automatic power saving (after a specific time), I may add it later tho.
- You enter the room -> Light switches on, mirror switcheson
- You leaf the room -> Light switches off after the defined timeout, mirror switches off
Lights off = The mood “All off”
Do I use the LightControllerV2"?
Well, you should, it is much more powerfull than its predecessor:)
Just open the App, open your LightController, click on the lower right “More” button and look out for the word “Moods” (“Stimmungen” in German).
But I am missing an importand Feature!
Please file a Issue and describe what you are missing, I may implement it;)