@Mykle1 Sure… my mileage may vary… completely understood.
Yes, I’ve configured them with three different sets of location and locationCode information.
I wondered about staggering the updateInterval, so I’ll try that next.
@Mykle1 Sure… my mileage may vary… completely understood.
Yes, I’ve configured them with three different sets of location and locationCode information.
I wondered about staggering the updateInterval, so I’ll try that next.
Well, I spoke too quickly. It seems that renaming the three instances helped but didn’t eliminate the problem. The data still grows stale after some period of time.
Any other ideas? Other than copying/pasting/renaming, editing the .js and .css files and doing the npm install, is there anything else I should be doing to ensure the three modules work independently and continue to retrieve weather data?
I found another post that describes using multiple instances of a module. I’ve copied and renamed the second and third instance, and updated the *.js, *.css and config.js files. Everything seems to be updating and working correctly now. I’ll check again in another hour to make sure.
Thanks for the idea!
@Mykle1 Interesting idea… but being the relative noob that I am, would I simply copy and rename the folders and make appropriate config changes, or are there more steps? Do I need to do an npm install --productive in each renamed folder?
Thanks for your help!
Hi all - I’ve updated my MM to use the responsive layout and animated icons available in MMM-WeatherOrNot. I love it and it looks great! However, as I’m displaying three locations, it seems as though only the last location (listed in config.js) is receiving updates throughout the day. I end up having to stop MM and restart it (pm2 restart MagicMirror --update-env) to get current information for the first two locations. Any ideas to help me troubleshoot?
Thanks in advance!
/* Magic Mirror Config Sample
* By Michael Teeuw http://michaelteeuw.nl
* MIT Licensed.
* For more information on how you can configure this file
* See https://github.com/MichMich/MagicMirror#configuration
var config = {
address: "localhost", // Address to listen on, can be:
// - "localhost", "", "::1" to listen on loopback interface
// - another specific IPv4/6 to listen on a specific interface
// - "", "::" to listen on any interface
// Default, when address config is left out or empty, is "localhost"
port: 8080,
ipWhitelist: ["", "::ffff:", "::1"], // Set [] to allow all IP addresses
// or add a specific IPv4 of :
// ["", "::ffff:", "::1", "::ffff:"],
// or IPv4 range of --> use CIDR format :
// ["", "::ffff:", "::1", "::ffff:"],
useHttps: false, // Support HTTPS or not, default "false" will use HTTP
httpsPrivateKey: "", // HTTPS private key path, only require when useHttps is true
httpsCertificate: "", // HTTPS Certificate path, only require when useHttps is true
language: "en",
timeFormat: 24,
units: "imperial",
// serverOnly: true/false/"local" ,
// local for armv6l processors, default
// starts serveronly and then starts chrome browser
// false, default for all NON-armv6l devices
// true, force serveronly mode, because you want to.. no UI on this device
modules: [
disabled: false,
module: "alert",
disabled: false,
module: "updatenotification",
position: "top_bar"
disabled: false,
module: "MMM-ModuleScheduler",
config: {
// Sets the schedule for the display
// Displays 100% bright between 0630 and 2100
// All "daytime_scheduler" modules go to 0% brightness between 2100 and 0630
global_schedule: [
{from: "00 6 * * *", to: "30 21 * * *", groupClass: "daytime_scheduler"},
disabled: false,
module: "MMM-Globe",
position: "top_bar",
classes: "daytime_scheduler",
config: {
style: "geoColor", // options: "natColor", "geoColor", "airMass", "fullBand", "europeDiscNat", "europeDiscSnow", "centralAmericaDiscNat"
imageSize: "400",
updateInterval: 10 * 60 * 1000, // every ten minutes
disabled: false,
module: "clock",
position: "top_left",
classes: "scheduler",
config: {
lat: "XX.xxxxxxx",
long: "-XXX.xxxxxxxx",
clockBold: false,
dateFormat: "dddd, MMM D, YYYY",
showWeek: true,
showSunTimes: true,
showMoonTimes: true,
timezone: "America/Los_Angeles",
module_schedule: {from: "30 21 * * *", to: "30 6 * * *", dimLevel: "100"}
disabled: true,
module: "MMM-NHL",
position: "top_left",
classes: "daytime_scheduler",
config: {
colored: "true",
focus_on: ["BOS", "MTL", "CHI", "TOR"],
matches: "6",
disabled: false,
module: "MMM-Pollen",
position: "top_left",
classes: "daytime_scheduler",
header: "Pollen Forecast for XXXXX",
config: {
updateInterval: 6 * 60 * 60 * 1000, // every six hours
zip_code: "XXXXX",
disabled: false,
module: "calendar",
header: "Holidays",
position: "top_right",
classes: "daytime_scheduler",
config: {
maximumEntries: "1",
colored: true,
fade: false,
calendars: [
{color: "#FF0033", symbol: "calendar-check", url: "https://www.calendarlabs.com/ical-calendar/ics/76/US_Holidays.ics"},
disabled: false,
module: "calendar",
header: "xxxxx",
position: "top_right",
classes: "daytime_scheduler",
config: {
maximumEntries: "20",
colored: true,
fade: false,
calendars: [
{color: "#6666FF", symbol: "calendar-check", url: "https://xxxx.xxx/xxxxxxx/calendar.ics"},
disabled: false,
module: "calendar",
header: "xxxxx",
position: "top_right",
classes: "daytime_scheduler",
config: {
maximumEntries: "17",
colored: true,
fade: false,
calendars: [
{color: "#FF00FF", symbol: "calendar-check", url: "https://xxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxx/basic.ics"},
disabled: false,
module: "MMM-WeatherOrNot",
classes: "daytime_scheduler",
position: "top_left",
config: {
location: "xxxxx", // See instructions
locationCode: "xxxxxxxxxx", // See instructions
languages: "en", // See Languages list
tempUnits: "F", // F or C
font: "Tahoma", // See Font list
textColor: "#ffffff", // Hex color codes.
htColor: "#ffffff", // high temp color. Hex color codes.
ltColor: "#00dfff", // low temp color. Hex color codes.
sunColor: "#febc2f", // Hex color codes.
moonColor: "#dfdede", // Hex color codes.
cloudColor: "#dfdede", // Hex color codes.
cloudFill: "#1f567c", // Hex color codes.
rainColor: "#93bffe", // Hex color codes.
snowColor: "#dfdede", // Hex color codes.
height: "230px", // module is responsive to changes
width: "400px", // module is responsive to changes
label: "xxxxx", // Location seems logical . .
days: "7", // 3, 5 or 7
theme: "dark", // See Themes list *** theme overrides bgColor. ***
bgColor: "#000000", // theme overrides bgColor.
icons: "Climacons Animated", // Iconvault, Climacons or Climacons Animated
animationSpeed: 3000,
updateInterval: 10 * 60 * 1000,
disabled: false,
module: "MMM-WeatherOrNot",
classes: "daytime_scheduler",
position: "top_left",
config: {
location: "xxxx", // See instructions
locationCode: "xxxxxxxxxxxx", // See instructions
languages: "en", // See Languages list
tempUnits: "F", // F or C
font: "Tahoma", // See Font list
textColor: "#ffffff", // Hex color codes.
htColor: "#ffffff", // high temp color. Hex color codes.
ltColor: "#00dfff", // low temp color. Hex color codes.
sunColor: "#febc2f", // Hex color codes.
moonColor: "#dfdede", // Hex color codes.
cloudColor: "#dfdede", // Hex color codes.
cloudFill: "#1f567c", // Hex color codes.
rainColor: "#93bffe", // Hex color codes.
snowColor: "#dfdede", // Hex color codes.
height: "230px", // module is responsive to changes
width: "400px", // module is responsive to changes
label: "xxxxxxxx", // Location seems logical . .
days: "7", // 3, 5 or 7
theme: "dark", // See Themes list *** theme overrides bgColor. ***
bgColor: "#000000", // theme overrides bgColor.
icons: "Climacons Animated", // Iconvault, Climacons or Climacons Animated
animationSpeed: 3000,
updateInterval: 10 * 60 * 1000,
disabled: false,
module: "MMM-WeatherOrNot",
classes: "daytime_scheduler",
position: "top_left",
config: {
location: "xxx", // See instructions
locationCode: "xxxxxxxxxxxx", // See instructions
languages: "en", // See Languages list
tempUnits: "F", // F or C
font: "Tahoma", // See Font list
textColor: "#ffffff", // Hex color codes.
htColor: "#ffffff", // high temp color. Hex color codes.
ltColor: "#00dfff", // low temp color. Hex color codes.
sunColor: "#febc2f", // Hex color codes.
moonColor: "#dfdede", // Hex color codes.
cloudColor: "#dfdede", // Hex color codes.
cloudFill: "#1f567c", // Hex color codes.
rainColor: "#93bffe", // Hex color codes.
snowColor: "#dfdede", // Hex color codes.
height: "220px", // module is responsive to changes
width: "400px", // module is responsive to changes
label: "xxxx", // Location seems logical . .
days: "7", // 3, 5 or 7
theme: "dark", // See Themes list *** theme overrides bgColor. ***
bgColor: "#000000", // theme overrides bgColor.
icons: "Climacons Animated", // Iconvault, Climacons or Climacons Animated
animationSpeed: 3000,
updateInterval: 10 * 60 * 1000,
disabled: false,
module: "newsfeed",
position: "bottom_bar",
classes: "daytime_scheduler",
config: {
feeds: [
title: "Fox News",
url: "http://feeds.foxnews.com/foxnews/latest"
showSourceTitle: true,
showPublishDate: true,
broadcastNewsFeeds: true,
broadcastNewsUpdates: true
/*************** DO NOT EDIT THE LINE BELOW ***************/
if (typeof module !== "undefined") {module.exports = config;}
@sdetweil Thank you for such quick responses…I do appreciate it! Here’s the link: https://api.weather.gov/gridpoints/MFR/104,44/forecast/hourly and here’s a snippet of the return that includes the dates and times that end up (apparently) causing the invalid date error:
"properties": {
"updated": "2020-06-05T01:18:34+00:00",
"units": "us",
"forecastGenerator": "HourlyForecastGenerator",
"generatedAt": "2020-06-05T04:36:11+00:00",
"updateTime": "2020-06-05T01:18:34+00:00",
"validTimes": "2020-06-04T19:00:00+00:00/P7DT17H",
"elevation": {
"value": 868.98480000000006,
"unitCode": "unit:m"
Based on what I can compare against the moment.js documentation, I don’t see anything obvious that would cause the error.
Is there a way for me to check the forecast data from the local weather station? Since I’m only getting the error using the “weathergov” source, and it’s only happening with the first of two weather instances… I’m wondering if the underlying data might be the issue. The only problem with that theory is that the error is constant, across all of the forecasts I’ve received since rebuilding MM using version 2.11.0.
@Jayh391 Thank you! I’m using the MMM-ModuleScheduler to dim everything except for the clock between 2130 and 0600 each day. The MMM-Globe module pulls a fresh satellite image every ten minutes using the geoColor source. I’ve got the local pollen forecast just below the clock, with three instances of the calendar running down the right side (US holidays, my calendar and my wife’s/family calendar at the bottom since she’s vertically challenged). I’m using the new default weather module to provide both current conditions and seven day forecasts for two different locations along the left side. Finally, I’m running the newsfeed module to provide headlines along the bottom bar. It’s been fun, but I’m still trying to troubleshoot the “Invalid date” error for the first current weather instance. I’m wondering if it isn’t bad data from the local weather forecast station.
@supersook Nice job on your mirror!
The cost of one-way glass made us consider alternatives. As we recently remodeled our family room, we decided to mount the monitor inside a frame on the wall. I was able to route power and install an outlet inside the open wall and frame. We added a monitor arm and use the Dell monitor USB to power the Raspberry Pi 4. It is physically located on the wall by our kitchen, so it is convenient and easy to reference. It is also quite a conversation starter!
@sdetweil thank you. I’ll make the corrections.