I have the same problem.
Did you figure it out?
Can’t find any errors.
I am not realy happy with the documentation.

My config looks like this:

{ module: 'MMM-PublicTransportDB', position: 'top_right', config: { name: "MMM-PublicTransportDB", hidden: false, stationId: 8001005, ignoredStations: [], excludedTransportationTypes: ' ', direction: null, marqueeLongDirections: true, delay: 12, interval: 120000, departureMinutes: 300, showColoredLineSymbols: true, useColorForRealtimeInfo: true, showTableHeaders: true, showTableHeadersAsSymbols: true, maxUnreachableDepartures: 3, maxReachableDepartures: 7, fadeUnreachableDepartures: true, fadeReachableDepartures: true, fadePointForReachableDepartures: 0.25 }