As it seems I´ve found a workaround for this issue, by setting departureMinutes: 300
in the config.js, therefore for my specific station a transport connection is found everytime.
I recon that the problem ocurred at night because there are less trams and since the module can´t fetch any connection in the specified departure time, it still could not find any in the morning even though there should be some trams.
This solution works for me right now.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.

RE: MMM-PublicTransportDB empty connections
MMM-PublicTransportDB empty connections
Hello viewers,
I am currently using @olexs MMM-PublicTransportDB module, which works fine most of all, but an issue occured after approximately one day of usage. After firing up the magicmirror the connections are displayed correctly, my pi is working 24/7. But every morning after me waking up, the module is empty so just the header is showing up but no connections for my station although there have to be some trains at this time.
This only happens after a day of usage time, a simplesudo reboot
fixes the problem, but just for another day.
Any ideas what could go wrong here or how to fix this problem permanently?Greetz Jay
RE: MagicMirrorBonn
Hello @McIntyre,
first of all congrats to your great work, the mirror looks fantastic. :thumbsup_tone2:
You mentioned in your blog that you fiddled with the brightness of the text in css. What customizations did you do in your custom.css therefore, would you mind to share it?
Greetz Jay -
RE: MMM-PublicTransportBerlin - Public transport for Berlin and Brandenburg (departures)
After the recent update from olexs (2-3 days ago), the module works like a charm. -
RE: MMM-PublicTransportBerlin - Public transport for Berlin and Brandenburg (departures)
the station ID in the readme of Berlin-Alexanderplatz indicates a “There are currently no departures.” message.
I think the readme is a bit deprecated, the modulename had to be reconfigered in the config as well.
All I need to know is, where can I get a list with the stationIDs? As I posted above, my source could be wrong for this task.
Any experience? -
RE: [MMM-PIR-Sensor] Install failing
Did you change the name of the config File from “config.js.sample” to “config.js”? -
RE: MMM-PublicTransportBerlin - Public transport for Berlin and Brandenburg (departures)
Does anybody have a working stationID in order to test the module itself, so others can verify if the module is working?
RE: MMM-PublicTransportBerlin - Public transport for Berlin and Brandenburg (departures)
I did asudo apt-get dist-upgrade
recently, so it has to be the latest version -
RE: PIR Sensor turning display on/off over and over
The steps I described started after a succesfully installation of the operating system on the pi, so with no MagicMirror installed --> step 3 is the first time MM is installed.
These are the steps which worked for me, somehow after the second install of the MagicMirror (step 7) the PIR worked --> this step could be obsolete for others, thats just what i did experience. -
RE: PIR Sensor turning display on/off over and over
Well ok…
step 1: get nodejs and npm -->sudo apt-get install nodejs
thensudo apt-get install npm
step 2: update + upgrade the pi -->sudo apt-get update
thensudo apt-get dist-upgrade
step 3: install MagicMirror --> as seen here MagicMirror Github Page
step 4: connect the PIR-Sensor to your Pi --> ground to ground (e.g. Pin 6), VCC to 5V (e.g. Pin 2), Out to GPIO XX (e.g. Pin 16)
step 5: check if PIR-Sensor works --> as seen at my script above (watch your connected GPIO pin, maybe change in script is required) --> some fiddling with sensitivity knobs here is needed
step 6: install MMM-PIR --> MMM-PIR Github Page
step 7: reboot and reinstall MagicMirror in MagicMirror directory -->cd MagicMirror
andnpm install
this has worked for me…