I have an issue getting MMM-RTSPStream to work. I did the install and ran the configuration tool. But when I include the generated code in my config…MM will not run. I feel like a big dummy since there is a config tool that does all of the hard work.
Here is the code that I am adding:
module: "MMM-RTSPStream",
position: "bottom_left",
config: {
autoStart: true,
rotateStreams: true,
rotateStreamTimeout: 30,
moduleWidth: 354,
moduleHeight: 240,
localPlayer: 'omxplayer',
remotePlayer: 'ffmpeg',
showSnapWhenPaused: false,
remoteSnaps: false,
stream1: {
name: 'Front Door',
url: 'rtsp://Administrator:!Password@',
frameRate: 'undefined',
width: undefined,
height: undefined,
Thanks for any help in advance.