I’ve noticed multiple threads of which the ‘SnowBoy voice assistant’ is always active. This is happening to my current build of MagicMirror. At this time, I do not have any of my script data, however it is unmodified and currently just working as ‘intended’. When stating “SmartMirror / Jarvis / Snowboy”, it awakens and I can slowly communicate to it something and it responds.
When I talk, without even coming close to any of those trigger words (again, unmodified, directly from the GitHub), it awakens and you can notice the display coming close to my current conversation in text, and immediately after “I’m sorry, I didn’t get that” appears.
Consequently, when utilizing (without MagicMirror running, although it doesn’t make a difference) the Google Assistant SDK (Official via Google), it does not awaken from any response other than ‘wakeword’ - ‘Okay Google / Hey Google’ ( / Googoo/booboo etc).
The question:
How can I fork the Magic Mirror Assistant visuals, In particular the response tray at the bottom, to work with only the official Google Assistant SDK and not with Snowboy? Is this something that has been done or can be done? Moreover, is there a new version of SnowBoy that utilizes the most current Google Assistant?
I’m currently not at my home (or near my RPi3), so I can obtain information much later if requested.
Please let me know.
Thank you!
Best Regards.
Background information:
Using a Raspberry Pi 3 b+
Most current version of Raspbian
Most current Google Assistant SDK
Most current GitHub MagicMirror Assistant, following this: https://forum.magicmirror.builders/topic/9356/the-latest-install-guide-mm-w-google-assistant
Setup Credentials correctly. Nothing in MagicMirror is modified (Including within Snowboy)