@spitzlbergerj , das nervt mich auch schon länger. Vielleicht gibt es ja eine Lösung. - …this has been bothering me for a long time. Maybe there is a solution.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: calendar module - format today events with time
RE: MagicMirror am PI 7" Monitor
Hi, hier mein “Mirror” am 7" Touchdisplay
War ein Haufen Arbeit, aber es funktioniert echt gut.
RE: Updates for MMM-rainfc, MMM-Rijks, MMM-bustimes, introducing MMM-Harmony
@cirdan said
Hello, I didn’t know the MMM-Rijks module yet. Finally some culture is moving into my infoboard. Thanks. Greetings from Flensburg, Germany
MagicMirror an Pets 🤣
… our cat seems to be waiting for the storm to end. show us your pet photos. Greetings from Germany.
RE: 24" Kitchen Infoboard with FireTV Stick
It’s really very simple. The switch has a remote control. Channel 1 MM Channel 2 TV the FireTV Stick can connect to the bluetooth box. As quite easy.
24" Kitchen Infoboard with FireTV Stick
This was the first board I built. After two years, the self-made monitor was brocken and I treated ourselves to a Full HD monitor. An HDMI switch with remote control is installed and a FireTV Stick. We watch TV via Waipu.TV. Sound comes through the Bluetooth speaker. Various modules are installed, such as a frame module where I can see the beach. At the bottom right I can switch on the webcam from the nest box. I like it rather simple, hence the original modules and subtle colors. I hope you enjoy it.
RE: Carousel manuell mit Sensor blättern
Hello community,
My Magic Mirror runs wonderfully, I’ve now installed Carousel and it works great, here’s my question, is there a way to manually scroll through using a gesture sensor or other sensors???Thank you in advance.
Yes there is, but I haven’t tried it yet. Some have solved it via the ultrasonic sensor.