Hello everyone,
as a heads up. This post contains 3 UPDATE: 2 Update: no problems which I am not sure if they are connected or not. Thus I decided to just make one post - if these should be seperated please let me know.
I am also completly new to coding. So please bear with me if some “stupid” questions arise or I cant follow along right away.
The Problems:
I am currently stuck with my MM. Since a couple of days the mirror forced me to “log in” while showing the main desktop.
I tried connecting via remote (name and pw are correct [direct console loggin works]) but couldnt get any access Update: I forgot the case sensivity… remote works
connecting to sesman ip port 3550
sesman connect ok~~
sending login info to session manager, please wait ...
login failed for display 0
After some research the SD card was said to be the issue.
I plugged my keyboard into the Pi and ran the CTRL+ALT+F2 to enter the console, logged in (name/pw work!), checked if my SD card was full (… it was) and ran:
pm2 flush
That solved the storage issue.
The screen now just showed the mirror (update: the splash screen) being stuck on “booting” and the bottom left had “rc-local.service” on display. Other modules are however working (such as MMM-PIRSensor).
The mirror is however still not accessable via remote and the MM is also stuck on the booting.
So I ran updates via the commands, restarted and hoped it would work
git pull
npm install
The mirror is still stuck on the same spot and still not accessable.
So my three issues are
1) Getting the mirror running again
Solution: dont know what fixed it.
First: My SD card was full and I cleared some space via “pm2 flush” and “trash-empty”.
Second: I ran the “git pull” - “npm install”
Third: After having remote access again I did “npm install” in the modules folders
Fourth: I entered “pm2 list” in the console and saw no instance of the mm.sh. So I redid the pm2 shell script, restarted and it worked. The Pi now goes past the splash screen, shows the desktop and then starts the MM2.
2) Getting the remote access back
Solution: apparently I entered the user wrong… Classic case of "the problem is in front of the keyboard.
3) exiting the console display (CTRL+ALT+F1)?
Solution: It wasnt the key-combination. I changed the “sudo raspi-config”. Swaped it back to console and the display went