I tried to reinstall this module, several times, to make it work, with no luck. After new year’s there was a MagicMirror Update, Jan 2024, and it fixed itself. No idea why or how this happened but it works again
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Sonos Module
RE: Introduce yourself!
I’ve been here in this forum for some time and I did not see this post.
I’m Luis, and I was born in Barranquilla, Colombia. I’m currently living Canada for about 11 years. I am 42.
I studied aeronautical engineering and I have a master in aviation management. I speak 5 languages so far. I work as a Reliability Analyst in the aerospace industry.
I started using MagicMirror in 2020 as a hobby, to learn a bit of coding. Now with all the support of the community, I have a dashboard for me and my family at home. It works as an agenda, I check my car information, music playing at home, the bus schedule, a camera and even sport results.
I’ll leave some pictures soon in “Show my mirror”.
Luis -
RE: MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda
I think it’s this
Show the days only which has event on the day. .CX3A .agenda .cell[data-events-counts="0"] { display: none; }
v2.22.0 & Font Awesome FAB icons
Usually, every time there’s an update I have to edit calendar.js to get the FAB icons from FontAwesome working.
I noticed this updates is supposed to do the job for me but it seems there’s no tutorial or explanation of how to use it. This is what the update mentions.
Possibility to change FontAwesome class in calendar, so icons like fab fa-facebook-square works.
However in the documentation this is the only information available.
defaultSymbol The default symbol. Possible values: See Font Awesome website. Default value: calendar
I am using one FAS icon for the calendar and another FAB icon for Canadian holidays, but I can’t make it work both at the same time without manipulating the file.
Please let me know how to set it up, (I believe in config.js), to make it work.
kolbyjack / MMM-Wallpaper & Synology
I love this app. I use it in my one board (I did not put a mirror but I use it as a dashboard). I am also owner of Synology, and using my pictures from a Synology album sounds like a very good idea.
As Synology Moments was replaced with Synology Photos in DSM version 7.2, the code for using Synology Moments does not work anymore. I asked the creator a while ago but he no longer has a Synology.
With my limited programming knowledge I tried to see if I could make it work, with no luck. I tested this information from the two links below, with no luck.
https://github.com/zeichensatz/SynologyPhotosAPII wanted to post it here in case there’s someone interested in fixing/updating the code
For now, my only option is to download the pictures in the Rapsberry pi.
Thank you
RE: v2.22.0 & Font Awesome FAB icons
@sdetweil Fantastic, thank you so much. It worked!
This is the code I have (in case someone needs it):
{ module: "calendar", header: "Canadian Holidays (QC), position: "top_left", config: { calendars: [ { url: "https://www.officeholidays.com/ics-clean/canada/quebec", symbol: "canadian-maple-leaf", color: 'crimson' }, ], defaultSymbolClassName: "fab fa-", colored: true, coloredSymbolOnly: true, maximumEntries: "2", wrapEvents: true, } },
And happy new year!!!