This is awesome. Well done!
If possible, could either send me your code at all? And then maybe even your custom.css if that’s what you used to modify a few things? This would be super helpful! I’m stuck on a few things and this, this would actually make the wife happy with all my purchases trying to build this! :)
If possible, thanks.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: First MM project - family dashboard
RE: CalendarExt3Timeline disappeared
@sdetweil Thanks for the reply.
No, added that line in and it disabled pages, brought up all the modules that are across all the other pages on the home page, but still didn’t show…
CalendarExt3Timeline disappeared
So, had CalendarExt3Timeline working fine. Would load, had all the symbols working and colours, and they matched what was showing in the CalendarExt3 module when loaded.
Then, I’ve added MMM-Pages.
I moved the CalendarExt3 to page 2 by using classes.
I wanted CalendarExt3Timeline to show on page 3 using classes. But showing what was on Page 2’s calendar.
Now, I can’t get the ‘Timeline’ module to show, anywhere? I thought it might be because it’s ‘position’ was the same as the weather module, but this is on a different page so shouldn’t be an issue?
Any help would be greatly appreciated… Thanks -
RE: Large google calendar not loading
thank you for this. Sorry for putting it in wrong…
Just wondering how you mean to put the customEvents into an Ext3 eventFilter??
I’ve found the code to use, but I’m not sure where I put it?
Do I put it in the config file? and if so, is it before the config section of the Ext3 section, or within the config brackets of the Ext3 section?
I have tried adding it to before teh calendarSet: line, but then my calendars don’t load…
Then I tried adding it to after the calendarSet: line, but still nothing, not even the calendars open then?
I’ve read all about how the Handling Events section in the Ext3 instructions, but not sure where to put the customEvents code or eventTransformer code into the eventFilter section?
Any help is much appreciated thank you!! -
RE: Large google calendar not loading
so, I was wondering if I added customEvents information to the calendar modules that CalendarExt3 is pulling info from, would it pull that info as well?
So far I’ve done the following but it doesn’t seem to be changing anything in the CalendarExt3 on the mirror side when loading the events.{ module: "calendar", // position: "bottom_bar", broadcastPastEvents: true, config: { calendars: [ { url: "https://calendar.google.com/.../basic.ics", name: "Google", color: "red", pastDaysCount: 7, fetchInterval: 75000, customEvents: [ {keyword: 'Birthday', symbol: 'fa-solid fa-cake-candles', color: 'Gold'}, {keyword: 'Piano', symbol: 'fa-solid fa-music', color: 'Purple'}, {keyword: 'Barbies', symbol: 'fa-regular fa-futbol', color: 'Pink'}, {keyword: 'Legomen', symbol: 'fa-regular fa-futbol', color: 'Yellow'}, {keyword: 'Bandits', symbol: 'fa-regular fa-futbol', color: 'Blue'} ] } ] }
RE: Large google calendar not loading
thanks for the suggestion.
I believe I’ve found the issue, was just struggling with speed or time or both, as waited 10mins after loading magic mirror and all entries come up now.I did disable pastbroadcast events to try and help as well, it does make the calendar look boring though as the past events aren’t shown…
Need to tweak it with colours too, as my wife uses multiple different colours to show different entries, but they’re all just showing as one colour at the moment, not sure how I can do that…
Thanks -
Large google calendar not loading
Amazing forum…
Trying to get my head around how to get my wife’s google calendar to load into the calendar ext3 section.
Now I believe that it’s struggling because of the fact that this calendar has LOTS of entries, on every day, and it’s just not loading them into the calendar file fast enough. This is the first time it’s being added, so it’s probably pulling entries from years ago??
When I load MM, it loads fine, but the log states
[2024-10-21 21:26:03.827] [INFO] Calendar-Fetcher: Broadcasting 1 events from http://p112-caldav.icloud.com/published/2/...UBbA.
[2024-10-21 21:26:11.915] [INFO] Calendar-Fetcher: Broadcasting 316 events from https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/.../public/basic.ics.How long should I expect it to take for it to load the entries into the calendar module? I currently have the following in the config file…
module: "MMM-CalendarExt3", position: "bottom_bar", title: "Grummitt Family", waitFetch: 10000, refreshInterval: 900000, config: { mode: "month", instanceId: "basicCalendar", locale: 'en', timeFormat:"h:mm a", maxEventLines: 5, firstDayOfWeek: 1, calendarSet: ['Google'] } }, { module: "calendar", // position: "bottom_bar", broadcastPastEvents: false, config: { calendars: [ { url: "webcal://p112-caldav.icloud.com/published/2/MT...UBbA", name: "iPhone", color: "green" } ] } }, { module: "calendar", // position: "bottom_bar", broadcastPastEvents: false, config: { calendars: [ { url: "https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/.../basic.ics", name: "Google", color: "red" } ] }
Any advice would be appreciated, I got this to display the wife’s calendar more than mine and I can get mine to show but not hers…