@Sean @Sean Thanks, is there a way to make the youtube screen 1px by 1px? :)
the smaller option in the code is “small”…
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Latest posts made by mosheva
RE: MMM-YouTube
RE: MagicMirror as a website
wow what a newbie I am…
Thanks for that…
So let’s say that I’ve got 4 screens that most likely will have the same mirror config beside security camera streams (each lobby with is own stream)
What will be the best way to edit the message board for each screen?
What will be the best way to remote desktop to each screen?The main reason for a website is that most likely my TV on the lobby will be with “smart tv” options so they will have a web-browser…
So I figured that the best way is to run 4 mirrors each one will have it’s own remote ip address so once I make a change in one of them it will be immediately update the on-site screen…Something like the DAKboard…
MagicMirror as a website
Hi there,
Is it possible to convert my Mirror project to a website?
Here’s why… I would like to use the mirror project as a message board for my building lobby so I would like to modify the messages on my laptop and upload it as a website.
In that way my lobby screen will be set by default to my website (lobby.something) and will display the updated content.Instead of going to my monitor at the lobby and update the config file…
Is that possible?
Hebrew translations
Hi Guys,
I’m trying to translate my mirror project to Hebrew.
I’ve created a he.json file in the Translation folder but the text in Hebrew is not displaying correctly… I see some signs like ??? etc’I think that it because of a encoding issue… I don’t know which encoding should I use… UTF? Windows-iso? etc’
In addition I found that the mirror found a word which I haven’t translated at all and it was converted to Hebrew… the word is days = ימים.
Here’s my he.json (I haven’t translate it all just the main words):
“LOADING”: “טוען …”,"TODAY": "היום", "TOMORROW": "מחר", "DAYAFTERTOMORROW": "מחרתיים", "RUNNING": "מסתיים ב", "EMPTY": "אין אירועים להציג", "WEEK": "שבוע {weekNumber}", "N": "N", "NNE": "NNE", "NE": "NE", "ENE": "ENE", "E": "E", "ESE": "ESE", "SE": "SE", "SSE": "SSE", "S": "S", "SSW": "SSW", "SW": "SW", "WSW": "WSW", "W": "W", "WNW": "WNW", "NW": "NW", "NNW": "NNW", "UPDATE_NOTIFICATION": "MagicMirrorֲ² update available.", "UPDATE_NOTIFICATION_MODULE": "Update available for {MODULE_NAME} module.", "UPDATE_INFO_SINGLE": "The current installation is {COMMIT_COUNT} commit behind on the {BRANCH_NAME} branch.", "UPDATE_INFO_MULTIPLE": "The current installation is {COMMIT_COUNT} commits behind on the {BRANCH_NAME} branch.", "FEELS": "מרגיש כמו", "PRECIP": "PoP"
In addition, is there a way to translate 3rd party modules?
Hope you will be able to help me out.
RE: MMM-YouTube
I’m wondering if it possible to run the module but to not display the video?
I would like to have just the audio.Thanks.
RE: MMM-GooglePhotos
For some reason noting is showing on the MagicMirror… I’ve pass the Auth test but still nothing is happening…
Here’s the test results:Messages : ABzt7NwkIe_XeUgaOezo-5u4fVUn5Gj7xhp1NfzTvGkZPLsd6Lw_99kXfEe1IOXnglPms7POrP4c
July 29, 2018 : ABzt7Nx3bEIkcn3tX2FFVXsH2fzQVC4Os0CJhfS61mv6pvZSCXoMZymEaf-eZBBL08Lqw0_1fLSC
July 29, 2018 : ABzt7NwUwbPw1vqCOC70DXZ0UuD8ajeummvi6bRvmEDl7TYDqVcQcHT9EfJfZj2St0TunweaEogm
July 29, 2018 : ABzt7NzW5C6q_Z7A5tTgnGYkRfCvCb8KWMOYwmUDSPPco8JN9rFDRU-epLrkGyi-OSde2W0T25nB
July 29, 2018 : ABzt7NyzrxVgSSQ71mMfiRkgnQ_ZbNL5chnZW49kkWE4reAdfakLBb5NJKz24pEYRH7uKlKIRvEQ
July 29, 2018 : ABzt7NwyHnIh7XavY1dbWmsPQqHd34dwJzf0qpGGnZ6GnAiSRAdeooTjkZGPrxHMq0JwNw73AgiK
July 29, 2018 : ABzt7NwVG_h0xWe01FlxcIdIzpTE6FoHnhWmOpiZf8lXQXxT-em4UIv_nR9RTbggkEqLuBqsPI4w
July 29, 2018 : ABzt7NwAVoSsujJwotfz02G3sYbIFIEXh0aT3JjkeIeHvE_ztZJFFIQt0z9W0gLSQQNT_ZQtThrb
July 29, 2018 : ABzt7NxopVxxPrdyilZ3q6OWmDeGEWgdt_KkPEUEYR-ttFS1EFBv37JtPI8E7-JodnNUI7P5N_H_
July 29, 2018 : ABzt7NxbTlUlq0jiUBuNVNLLJt5dRYvIscSCRm0XUiJJEhfzrrRiem0OyuD0dj-cXZ9RNc_gsGal
July 29, 2018 : ABzt7NzsLXU8kvxF8HZnXCBOVzInUhys3dFh5CEmF8YVgiQhWg8Qdv7LHSmF3pnV_EK–jfGTtTW
July 29, 2018 : ABzt7Ny0jW0phJcKPrrCBdmbGKSkAKdXTFFNEAkdiO8apGut1FhIjonLWioEccQrtVSI-490XiPB
July 29, 2018 : ABzt7Nz_iEDYQ4YDVE2BovRN3Ow6jDW7b9Ziu0ayQZqe6JKNSLS3UEUtn4O3A2ugn7BsucrBxR34
July 29, 2018 : ABzt7NzRGIFYYRr2q7EmGopEiXVyUmV4MS-B0PDdnoC0a5nt2nmr00PgjxAxryOa51kCpRw2bUvQand here’s my config… (the size is just for testing)
module: “MMM-GooglePhotos”,
position: “top_left”,
config: {
albumId: “ABzt7NwkIe_XeUgaOezo-5u4fVUn5Gj7xhp1NfzTvGkZPLsd6Lw_99kXfEe1IOXnglPms7POrP4c”, // your album id(s) from result ofauth_and_test.js
refreshInterval: 100060,
scanInterval: 100060*10, // too many scans might cause API quota limit also.
//note(2018-07-29). It is some weird. API documents said temporal image url would live for 1 hour, but it might be broken shorter. So, per 10 min scanning could prevent dead url.sort: "random", //'time', 'reverse', 'random' showWidth: "1001px", // how large the photo will be shown as. (e.g;'100%' for fullscreen) showHeight: "1001px", originalWidthPx: 1001, // original size of loaded image. (related with image quality) originalHeightPx: 1001, // Bigger size gives you better quality, but can give you network burden. opacity: 1, // target "opacity" property (https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_opacity.asp) mode: "contain", // "cover" or "contain" (https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_background-size.asp) //ADDED. "hybrid" : if you set as "hybrid" it will change "cover" and "contain" automatically by aspect ratio. } },
Hope you will be able to help me out…