I use the MMM-ModuleScheduler for this feature… You can schedule the traffic module to appear while you’re enjoying your morning coffee.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.

Latest posts made by outjet
RE: MMM-Traffic: Some routes on some days
RE: MMM-NetworkScanner
@BenNewsome Thank you for the reply! I increased the interval as you suggested, and reverted a change I forgot I made to the .js, which got things going.
I remembered I altered the code to show: “Robert - Last seen 23 minutes ago”.
This has been working really nicely except when one of the devices is not online at module load time … My lack of JS skills catching up with me.
//Name deviceItem.innerHTML += (device.name ? device.name + ". Last seen " + device.lastSeen.fromNow(): device.macAddress ) ;
I reverted to the original code and all is back to working, I’ll need to work on troubleshooting the “last seen” functionality to keep working if a device has not yet been seen. (if you see anything obvious, a penny for your thoughts!)
Thanks again
RE: MMM-NetworkScanner
I do love this module! I have one bizarre problem. Whenever my “Kirsten” device is not home, the module will not get past “Loading”. As long as she is home, the module loads OK. If I take her out of the list, it also loads OK.
{ module: 'MMM-NetworkScanner', position: 'bottom_right', config: { devices: [ { macAddress: "cc:29:f5:36:ca:fe", name: "Kirsten", icon: "female"}, { macAddress: "c4:9a:02:8c:50:72", name: "Robert" , icon: "male"}, ], showUnknown: false, showOffline: true, keepAlive: 75, updateInterval: 5 }
Any thoughts? Thanks!