Thank you.:folded_hands:
Then I have to use the remote-control module in a Javascript code to be able to access MMM-Dynamic-Modules. Maybe I can find a code example somewhere on the internet that makes it work too.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Change the modul position remote with api or something similar!
RE: Change the modul position remote with api or something similar!
I did not understand how to use this module. How can I access this module remotely from another PC in the network?
RE: Change the modul position remote with api or something similar!
Thanks for the link. I don’t think the config.js file will be changed remotely and the MM web server will start automatically.
Change the modul position remote with api or something similar!
Hello everyone,
I have a quick question. Is there a way to change the positions of the modules remotely? Is there an API for controlling the modules that are on the screen? An example: I want to move the position of the Weather module from the left to the right. I would like to remotely set the position of the weather module to right and the MM website should update itself automatically. I don’t want to restart the service manually.Thank you for the answers.
Display the modules exactly on the screen? Define X and Y Coordinate in config.js file?
Hello everybody,
is there a way to display the modules exactly on the screen? For example:
The config.js file should look like this:
Module 1:
y:Module 2:
y:Many thanks for your help.
RE: After need take another config.js
Thank you:thumbs_up_light_skin_tone:
RE: After need take another config.js
I looked at it. But how can I edit this file so that another config file is read? Such as: configXYZ.js and not the standard name config.js
Thank you