Hi, thanks for your update.
I installed your git version and I had to install undici additionally. Is that correct?
The MM works but ended starting up again and agin:
0|mm | <— Last few GCs —>
0|mm | [17870:0x2a530000] 119266 ms: Mark-Compact (reduce) 126.9 (128.6) -> 126.4 (128.1) MB, pooled: 0 MB, 791.61 / 0.00 ms (+ 0.9 ms in 0 steps since start of marking, biggest step 0.0 ms, walltime since start of marking 816 ms) (average mu = 0.190, current[17870:0x2a530000] 120521 ms: Mark-Compact 126.9 (128.1) -> 126.5 (128.6) MB, pooled: 0 MB, 1201.60 / 0.00 ms (average mu = 0.113, current mu = 0.043) allocation failure; scavenge might not succeed
0|mm | <— JS stacktrace —>
0|mm | FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
0|mm | ----- Native stack trace -----
0|mm | /home/mirror/MagicMirror/node_modules/electron/dist/electron exited with signal SIGABRT
Im using a raspberry pi zero with 512 MB RAM which worked fine in the past.
Also some system information:
0|mm | [2025-02-03 08:57:53.254] [INFO] System information:
0|mm | ### SYSTEM: manufacturer: Raspberry Pi Foundation; model: Raspberry Pi 3 Model A Plus Rev 1.0; virtual: false
0|mm | ### OS: platform: linux; distro: Raspbian GNU/Linux; release: 11; arch: arm; kernel: 6.1.21-v7+
0|mm | ### VERSIONS: electron: 32.2.7; used node: 22.13.1; installed node: 22.13.1; npm: 10.9.2; pm2: 5.4.3
0|mm | ### OTHER: timeZone: Europe/Berlin; ELECTRON_ENABLE_GPU: undefined
Anyone have the same problem?