@sdetweil Tried it, too confusing.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Hello-Lucy
How would I be able to add the ability to hide all modules if the trigger word isn’t spoken after a determined amount of time, say 2 minutes? Then I can issue the voice command to show all modules to wake it.
I’ve tried using a pi-camera to detect motion to turn on the screen and turn off the screen, but i get the “HDMI not connected” symbol and the pi-camera is flaky where it doesn’t always work. I’ve tried multiple modules for the camera and don’t like any of them, as they can create multiple instance of the camera opening and then cause it lock up. I like how you can hide all modules to blank screen by voice command without disconnecting the HDMI output. until I can figure out a way to do this with motion, I’d like to be able to do this automatically, like a time-out.
I’ve tried-MMM-NotificationTrigger to try to fire the HIDE_MODULE notification in your code, but I have not successfully found a decent notification trigger to make it happen. If i get a USB Webcam in the future maybe i can use motion as a trigger to fire the notification, but like I said, i haven’t had luck using motion on the pi-cam so i doubt i would on a webcam.
Also for page navigation, I like to use MMM-Carousel by shbatm, the navigation buttons to go from one page to the other will be instrumental to when I add touch ability to my mirror, so i set up Hello-Lucy with just one page showing MMM-Carousel, is there anyway to incorporate voice activation on Hello-Lucy to work with changing the pages on MMM-Carousel? I think they are called slides on MMM-Carousel.