Ive been wanting to change over to Wundergorund Data just havent got around to looking into it as I also want to display my station data rather than the official observations which are a good 20km from my location.
Im not a coder but have managed to bumble my way through modifying the weather module from the WallberryTheme for MM to work with the Australian BOM data, its not a user friendly implementation but it works.
@chanster I jumped in not knowing anything about Node JS and just started playing with it seeing what did what and eventually got what I wanted out of it.
So… take stab at it clone a Wunderground repository on github and just start looking at the code and and let it speak to you.
But if that doesnt work for you I want to get a Wunderground module working on my MM so will be looking into it shortly. Ive got a pressing project Im working on that I hope to get finished in the next couple of weeks after that I will be looking into it. If you (or anyone else) would like to help out who knows what we will be able to achieve.
You can see what Ive done with the Wallberry theme weather module https://github.com/saabman/BOMAU-weather and keep an eye out for when I get started on the Wunderground module.