@reaper81 nah… :( no space for ceiling speakers. I will try it with extra exciters 😊 I also thinking of an audio crossover :)
thanks for your thoughts and info again
@reaper81 nah… :( no space for ceiling speakers. I will try it with extra exciters 😊 I also thinking of an audio crossover :)
thanks for your thoughts and info again
Thanks! I found some nice speakers with 10W/20W and about 40mm depth so my mirror will be something about 50-60mm depth overall. And I was thinking about exciters as well. But I am afraid of a lot distortion in the mirror itself when you play music at higher levels and standing in front of it. What do you say about that? Is it hard to see or is it like in some cheap cars that you can’t read numberplates in the backmirror because the whole car is shaking and also the glass and mirrors…
My speakers: https://www.neuhold-elektronik.at/catshop/product_info.php?cPath=242_253&products_id=6537
I am using an amp HAT and four of those speakers. But I’m missing some deeper frequencies (110…20.000 Hz) you hear that there is a lot missing in playing music. So I thought I will get an exciter with low frequencies ~20-200Hz to get a fuller sound. There are basically TV speakers so they are quite good at higher frequencies.
I really should post my project here ^^
Thank you for all your informations! So last question ^^ how is the sound with the exciters? Maybe we need here a YouTube video 😁😁
Try this
module: "internet-monitor",
position: "top_center",
header: "Internet Monitor",
type: "",
maxTime: "20000",
updateInterval: "0",
verbose: "false",
displayStrength: "true",
displaySpeed: "true",
strengthIconSize: "80",
maxGaugeScale: "100",
size: "50",
fullColor: "#3afc25",
almostColor: "#ffff0c",
halfColor: "#ff8c00",
noneColor: "#ff1111"
@reaper81 said in Slim, Frameless Bathroom Mirror with a 27" Display:
if you mean the aluminum profile, they are from led-konzept. A realy nice shop, with lots of ideas all around led.
No^^the parts for hanging, with the adjustment option from ikea :)
@duedahlb do you change the quotes and the missing quotes? than upload your config again pls.
Looks great! :)
For attachment to the wall without columns but with adjustment I have made hanging bars. Alternatively, there are now IKEA rails with adjustment options.
What rails do you use (link)? That seems to be a really nice idea!
Check your quotes. Change this: ’ to this: " and apply the missing quotes @
update … Etc.