@ernst-jan https://jshint.com/ Has helped me.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Introduce yourself!
Hello my name is Steve, I’m retired and trying to keep the old mind sharp. Creating my first MagicMirror has really helped. It was a tremendous struggle. There is a whole new mindset and language to learn when it comes to talking and coding and working with MagicMirror. Took me awhile to catch on. Before I started all I wanted to do was figure a way to automate some window blinds in a upstairs window. YouTube introduces me to Arduino then Esp8266 then Raspberry pi. Then Raspberry pi introduces me to MagicMirror. Have forgotten the automated blinds. So I guess I’ll see you around.
RE: Considering taking donations to support the MagicMirror project. Interested in your thoughts!
Would just like to say that I have learned a great deal from doing my Mirror. I would gladly make a one time donation. As far as the platforms I prefer PayPal. Thanks again for your site.
RE: Pandora
https://github.com/spelinski/MMM-PandorasMirror Try this site. I think this might help.
RE: some modules are not showing on screen
https://jshint.com/ This site has helped me. Just delete the code that is there and copy and paste your entire code to see your errors .
RE: some modules are not showing on screen
I maybe wrong but should there be quote marks around any words that are in orange. My mirror has no quotes around any of those words. That’s what stood out to me.
RE: Config error
This site was helpful for me. As with everything MagicMirror everyone contributes to help everyone. Just erase the code on this page and copy and paste your code to see where your errors are. Works great for me. https://jshint.com/
syncing PRIVATE Calenders
Are there any ways to get a PRIVATE calendar into MagicMirror. I’ve tried syncing my iCloud Calendar into iCal with the hopes of getting a url to enter in. Ive tried vdirsyncer and I can’t get that to work. Why must everyone know my business before I can get a calendar to use that’s a little more useful than holidays, birthdays etc. Thanks to anybody that responds>