Hi Mykle1,
that is a good idea, thank you! I have a workaround now, but I need to change the files every year :(.
You can download the Birthday .ics from Owncloud and save it localy.
In the config.js file I changed the calendar url to work with local .ics file:
url: ‘webcal://localhost:8080/modules/Birthdays/geburtstage_2017.ics’, //Use a local file
Then I wrote a small python script (for Windows) to change the year of the .ics file, as you proposed above, and it worked.
If anyone is interessted you can use my python script below. It will open the “geburtstage.ics” file which needs to be located in the same folder as the python script. The script will ask for the year you want to change to and will create a new ics file containing the changed birthday years.
//your code here
#Ask for the year you want to change to
year = input("Please enter the year you want to change to: ")
fobj_in = open("geburtstage.ics", "r") #Source file
fobj_out = open("geburtstage_" + year + ".ics","w") #Output file
for line in fobj_in:
if line.find("DTSTART") > -1 or line.find("DTEND") > -1: #Change year of DTSTART oder DTEND lines
#Format of the string: DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:19650521 #DTEND;VALUE=DATE:19650522
else: #Change nothing, just copy the line
print("Complete!") #Let me know when you are finished
#Close the documents