@MiPraSo Well done! Thank you. Your solution works perfectly. I do not understand why others are not experiencing the same issue however, they now have a solution. Thank you, again.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: MMM-RemoteControl or vcgencmd Issue
MMM-RemoteControl or vcgencmd Issue
I’m using a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.2 for my mirror. In attempting to shut off the hdmi to the mirror using both MMM-RemoteControl, or a bash file using vcgencmd display_power 0/1, the monitor turns back on within 12 seconds. Research indicates that it’s due to kernel control on the P1 4 model. Oddly, no one in the forum seems to be experiencing this. Any suggestions or tips that I can employ? Thank you.
MMM-RemoteControl or vcgencmd
I’m using a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.2 for my mirror. In attempting to shut off the hdmi to the mirror using both MMM-RemoteControl, or a bash file using vcgencmd display_power 0/1, the monitor turns back on within 12 seconds. Research indicates that it’s due to kernel control on the P1 4 model. Oddly, no one in the forum seems to be experiencing this. Any suggestions or tips that I can employ? Thank you.