I checked that module, it doesn’t use the youtube API, just a generic iFrame. So it cannot e.g. skip, next, volume, shuffle etc.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Youtube Embed API
Youtube Embed API
Hi, I’m fairly new to javascript and really don’t understand how the structure works.
Is it possible to create a module which uses the Youtube embed API?
https://developers.google.com/youtube/player_parametersUltimately i would like to be able to use the remote control to send a notification to play a playlist (from a specified list) from a random point in shuffle mode, as well as being able to pause/play and maybe rewind/repeat he current song.
RE: Which Voice Control module is fit for me?
I’m in exactly the same boat and would be very interested in the answer to this.
I tried to MMM-Voice but after spending a few hours getting pocketsphinx to work, i found the speech recognition to not like my accent, and when it did the commands didnt do anything.
I’m going to give MirrorMirrorOnTheWall a go now but i really don’t want to have to say such a long phrase to get it to receive commands.