i love ur weather modul but i am from Germany so a few settings do not fit for my country.
i already made a few changes to fix them so maybe i can help u in ur german version. Also u should
update ur readme cause it took me a long time to find out where to get the key for the air values.
I made a new translation for ur module according to the french one and i also changed a few lines in ur xx.js.
Please let me know if its ok and u maybe like assistance for ur german version.
"GATHERING WEATHER STUFF": "Empfange Wetterdaten...",
"Currently: ": "Aktuell: ",
"Current Temp: ": "Momentane Temperatur: ",
"UV Index: ": "UV-Index: ",
"Wind: ": "Wind: ",
"From: ": "von: ",
"Barometer: ": "Barometer: ",
"Monday": "Montag",
"Tuesday": "Dienstag",
"Wednesday": "Mittwoch",
"Thursday": "Donnerstag",
"Friday": "Freitag",
"Saturday": "Samstag",
"Sunday": "Sonntag",
"Overcast": "Bedeckt",
"Cloudy": "Wolkig",
"Rain": "Regen",
"Clear": "Klar",
"Partly Cloudy": "Teilweise bewölkt",
"Snow showers": "Schneeschauer",
"High: ": "Hoch: ",
"Low: ": "Niedrig: ",
"Humidity: ": "Feuchtigkeit: ",
"Safe": "Sicher",
"Moderate": "Moderat",
"Very High": "Sehr hoch",
"Extreme": "Extrem",
"Sunset": "Sonnenuntergang",
"Sunrise": "Sonnenaufgang",
" hours ": " Std. ",
" minutes ": " Min. ",
"Amount of Daylight": "Stunden mit Tageslicht",
"Good Morning ":"Guten Morgen ",
"Good Afternoon ": "Guten Nachmittag ",
"Good Evening ": "Guten Abend ",
"Air Quality Index: ":"Luftqualitätsindex: "
this was my new translation
and this i changed in your ...js
var curCon = document.createElement("div");
curCon.classList.add("xsmall", "bright");
curCon.innerHTML = this.translate("Currently: ") + this.translate(current.weather);