Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.

RE: BirdNET-PI-chart on MM2
Hi @bhepler,
during installation for BirdNet-Pi at paragraph 25 you are asked to request a BirdweatherID to partizipate in a worldwide citizen sience. That was my idea… -
RE: BirdNET-PI-chart on MM2
@bhepler If possible, can you implement to be part of the BirdNet-project? The goal of BirdNet is to collect data for their research. It would be nice not only see what kind of birds are around but also support the citizem sience.
RE: BirdNET-PI-chart on MM2
@bhepler I don’t really know who is there in the background, but if you look at the “about us” page at the smartphone-app, there is an email-address ending with “cornel”.
May be they are very busy because I use the PI-version since one week and the gui changed two times…
For me, it is enough to show the main-chart. BirdNet-Pi generates this chart as a png periodically. It may also be possible to change their used css to align the outcome more MM2-like, but I’m fine with it like it is. -
BirdNET-PI-chart on MM2
Hi all,
just want to spread this interesting citizen science project to this community:
Based on the sound birds make, they are identified and counted. I remember, some of you are fans of hummingbirds.I installed it at an extra RPI4 and managed to display the main diagram at my RPI3-dashboard:
It is NOT a modul, just show a picture with Smartwebdisplay.
RE: Help with framing!
I asked a local kitchen-dealer for an old door of a kitchen cupboard with glass insert for my dashboard.
Nobody would identify it as an old door if they don’t know the former use. -
RE: MMM-PublicTransportHafas from KristjanESPERANTO
Hi Ben, I assume you listed the modules several times at the same position in your config.js!?!?!?
I had the same effect when i used top_left for two instances of the module.
Now I changed the second to bottom_left and the symbols are at the same column. You should give it a try.Greetings
Thomas -
RE: Add another time to display
@aldisachen Hi aldisachen, offers a wide range of designs. You can modify analog and text-based clocks by your own. It can look like here:
Generate a clock, copy the html-code and create a html-file (for example uhrzeit.html) at the module-folder.
Example with 3 clocks:<html lang="de"> <head> <title>Uhrzeit</title> </head> <body bgcolor=#000000> <font color=white> <table> <tr> <td style="padding: 100px;"> <p style="font-size: 50px; color: white;">Bonn</p> <iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="500" height="500"></iframe> </td> <td style="padding: 100px;"> <p style="font-size: 50px; color: white;">Lima</p> <iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="500" height="500"></iframe> </td> <td style="padding: 100px;"> <p style="font-size: 50px; color: white;">Istanbul</p> <iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="500" height="500"></iframe> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>
Replace the part beginning with “iframe” with your code and of course the names of the cities.
In the config.js, use MMM-SmartWebDisplay to display the clocks, write as url: [“/modules/uhrzeit.html”].
May be, this can satisfy your needs. -
RE: Factory Reset button
@kpl4184 …or use the app Raspcontroller to manage your PI.
RE: Factory Reset button
You can add
dtoverlay=gpio-shutdown,gpio_pin=3, active_low=1,gpio_pull=up
in the /boot/config.txt
Connect a pushbutton with gpio 3 and GND
…one push will shutdown the RPI, a second will restart it.
…and use it on your own risk:-)