@sdetweil thank you so much for this. i think this is what i did then messed up the rest of the coding when i tried to move it around.
the advice you gave above about looking at the ] and } was great! i actually managed to get the mirror to boot with scheduler coded and i am now just testing if it will actually work.
Fingers crossed!
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: MMM-ModuleScheduler for Monitor control
RE: MMM-ModuleScheduler for Monitor control
{ module: "newsfeed", position: "bottom_bar", config: { feeds: [ { title: "BBC UK", url: "https://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/rss.xml?edition=uk" } ], showSourceTitle: true, showPublishDate: true, broadcastNewsFeeds: true, broadcastNewsUpdates: true } }, ] // < --- this? }, // < --- this? { module: "MMM-ModuleScheduler", config: { notification_schedule: [ // TURN THE MONITOR/SCREEN ON AT 07:30 EVERY DAY {notification: 'REMOTE_ACTION', schedule: '20 15 * * *', payload: {action: "MONITORON"}}, // TURN THE MONITOR/SCREEN OFF AT 22:30 EVERY DAY {notification: 'REMOTE_ACTION', schedule: '25 15 * * *', payload: {action: "MONITOROFF"}}, // RESTART THE MAGICMIRROR PROCESS AT 2am EVERY SUNDAY {notification: 'REMOTE_ACTION', schedule: '0 2 * * SUN', payload: {action: "RESTART"}} ] } }; //< --- ';' this
RE: MMM-ModuleScheduler for Monitor control
above that is the working news feed module.
RE: MMM-ModuleScheduler for Monitor control
Line 201 according to the config file is the line
module: “MMM-ModuleScheduler”, -
RE: MMM-ModuleScheduler for Monitor control
@sdetweil its showing line 201 has the error.
RE: MMM-ModuleScheduler for Monitor control
@sdetweil im not 100% sure what you mean
RE: MMM-ModuleScheduler for Monitor control
@sdetweil it tell me it could not validate the config file.
then this is below that "SyntaxError: Invalid destructuring assignment target
" -
MMM-ModuleScheduler for Monitor control
Hi All, I am VERY new to all this so apologies.
I am having trouble using the scheduler to control my monitor.
I installed both MMM-Modulescheduler and MMM-RemoteControl
When i try to place the module in my config.js it causes the Mirror to fail to load.
my config is an identical copy of the example given and yet it still falls over.
any help is greatly appreciated.{ module: 'MMM-ModuleScheduler', config: { notification_schedule: [ // TURN THE MONITOR/SCREEN ON AT 07:30 EVERY DAY {notification: 'REMOTE_ACTION', schedule: '30 7 * * *', payload: {action: "MONITORON"}}, // TURN THE MONITOR/SCREEN OFF AT 22:30 EVERY DAY {notification: 'REMOTE_ACTION', schedule: '30 22 * * *', payload: {action: "MONITOROFF"}}, // RESTART THE MAGICMIRROR PROCESS AT 2am EVERY SUNDAY {notification: 'REMOTE_ACTION', schedule: '0 2 * * SUN', payload: {action: "RESTART"}} ] } },
RE: First Mirror Complete
Could you tell me which weather and forecast module you are using?
RE: Bathroom Magic Mirror
Thank you for all this info.
I am at the very start of my magic mirror journey and came across you mirror which is simply fantastic.
I noticed you had metal LED buttons on the side of your frame which I would like to install one in mine for powering opn/off.
Having looked at button tutorials I see most are just 2 jumper wires to the GIPO is this the same for your buttons?
How is the LED powered?thanks!