I FIGURED IT OUT, nodejs had to at least 0.10.40 to work with the modules, had to follow this post to force update it https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/48303/install-nodejs-for-all-raspberry-pi
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Newsfeed and Calendar not loading
RE: Newsfeed and Calendar not loading
Im not sure if this is important or not. Im on nodejs version 0.10.29 (stable). There is a more current version but for some reason its not updating to it. Im not sure if thats the issue.\
RE: Newsfeed and Calendar not loading
@Mykle1 if you follow the link, the URL changes and I copied that one. I tried both the default one and the one posted and both didnt work at all.
RE: Newsfeed and Calendar not loading
@Mykle1 Thanks for the tip, I already tried http://rss.nytimes.com/services/xml/rss/nyt/HomePage.xml too and that didnt see to work either.
RE: Newsfeed and Calendar not loading
@bhepler Yep! I have full access to the internet, I can even access the websites I have in the config file
Newsfeed and Calendar not loading
Hi all,
I dont know if anyone could help me. I recently installed MagicMirror on my Raspberry Pi B+ but since its the 1st version, I have it running in serveronly. NPM installed fine with no errors and I have the latest version of node.js installed in the MM directory. For some reason, both my newsfeed and calendar modules are stuck with “loading…”. Here is my config file https://pastebin.com/L0itN9AN