The free tier of NewsAPI provides only 1-day later news. When you want realtime news, you should pay.

If you set config valuechoice: "headlines", you can use category, but;

Only available categories; business, entertainment, general, health, science, sports, technology. It cannot be used mixed with sources.

For the specified country or language, you can test it by yourself.
You can open the browser and navigate this. (Replace API_KEY to yours. You can get your API_KEY on newspai.org site after login)

headlines; https://newsapi.org/v2/top-headlines?country=se&apiKey=API_KEY


everything; https://newsapi.org/v2/everything?language=en&q=apple&apiKey=API_KEY

But the API doesn’t support se language.

For the usage of country, everything endpoint doesn’t support country options. Only the headlines endpoint supports it. But you should know this; country: "se" doesn’t mean “News from Swedish Press”, but rather similar to “Popular news in Sweden” or “news consumed commonly in/about Sweden”.