Hola! Anyone got the floor plan working with openHab2? I’m so close, but can’t seem to get any statuses from openHab (I think). I’m sort of a noob so I might be doing something wrong.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: MMM-OpenhabFloorplan
Telldus module
It would be cool to see a telldus live module and maybe a background image module.
RE: Facial Recognition - customize your mirror for every user!
@reaper81 just remove the notification module in config.js
RE: Facial Recognition - customize your mirror for every user!
@paviro thanks!!! 200+ images captured and it’s now working :-) :pray: just need to tweak the threshold to be a bit more forgiving.
RE: Facial Recognition - customize your mirror for every user!
@paviro thanks paviro! Will do!
RE: Facial Recognition - customize your mirror for every user!
@paviro hmm. Just can’t get it working for some reason… will try again. It complaind about no picam. Maybe I have to change something in the script? I’ll du another try.
RE: Facial Recognition - customize your mirror for every user!
@paviro 200 pictures - aha! Maybe my 13 isnt enough. I can’t use the capture script since i’m on webcam so I took em with my phone and transferred them to the pi. I’ll add more and cross my fingers.
RE: Facial Recognition - customize your mirror for every user!
@benkej oke, please update on your progress. Good luck. Im very close to giving up.
RE: Facial Recognition - customize your mirror for every user!
@benkej same as me, but no luck :-(