Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-RAIN-MAP (new: version 2.x)
@MajorC @hogedir
Unfortunately, does not offer an API. I can’t just take their weather data and use it in MMM-RAIN-MAP.
They only allow to embed their service as an iFrame. You can easily do this on your own with -
@Jalibu Is it possible to add a second source possible to be selected in the module ? the goal could be to show CLOUDS via SATELLITE RADAR too. Using IFRAME is not a solution. I prefer to use a unique MAP with rain + clouds included.
because lots of people needs to know if some clouds will be showed
Could be very very a master class module with that option.
here an example of sat clouds :
Here the code you could use to integrate that data in the module :
RAINVIEWER DATA is not accurate at all like said MajorC(Project Sponsor). It doesn’t represent the reality.
@hogedir I understand the need and desire. However, neither the weather data/layers from, nor those from are in any way compatible with the previous module. It is technically not so easy to put their layers just “over” the map ;-)
If someone finds a solution and takes care of the programming, then I would be happy to put this extension into the module.
However, I don’t have the time to take care of it myself. -
Is there a basic resource on how to generate maps? I am struggling with this basic concept. I’ve been to open street maps but I don’t see any way to generate a file like you did in the example.
@whimsicality the api provides the drawing of the maps
@sdetweil according tot he config it looks like I’m supposed to input all kinds of GPS coordinates for the edges of the map as well as the link to the picture of the map… I think I’m just confused.
@whimsicality he’s telling the api the size and shape of the map to draw… because thats what they do…
I do the same thing with chartjs… I tell it the size and shape and all the points in the data, and what kind of chart to draw, and it generates the graphics.
@sdetweil I think I was making it unnecessarily complicated, I understand it now. thanks!
hi! love this app but am struggling. I’ve tried the CSS mentioned here to change the opacity as well as just changing it under “config” but I can’t get teh opacity of the map to change. is there any other option to attempt?
Hi am definitely loving this module but honestly struggling to get the rain map to go away when rain is not predicted. I see the instructions for how to make it work with the weather module, but what piece of code do I need to have present in MMM-OpenWeatherForecast in order to trigger MMM-RAIN-MAP to hide itself? Sorry if it’s obvious…