Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Module list updates since the middle of December
Many changes have been made to the official module list since my last overview on December 12. I have created a new overview for these changes. Since not everyone regularly follows the changes to the list, such a list may be helpful for some of you.
This is the second post like this. I don’t know yet if I will create further in the future and even maybe automate the process a bit. I am quite up to date with the changes as I am working on a new unofficial module list which is based on the official list.
These are the changes from 12th December 2023 to 29th January 2024. The list may be incomplete, as some parts required manual work.
New in the list
Check out these new modules:
Title Author Description 1. MMM-AccuWeatherForecastDeluxe maxbethge Display weather information using the AccuWeather API. 2. MMM-EarthquakeMonitor rcollie This module allows you to display global earthquake data from the USGS. 3. MMM-DHT22 J0n4e Displays temperature/humidity readings from DHT22 sensor. 4. MMM-FranceInfo bugsounet [FR] Affiche les flux rss de franceinfo sur MagicMirror². 5. MMM-GPIO-HANDLER Sjohn21 Handle GPIO, Inputs (Buttons, PIR, Other) and Outputs (including PWM), with notifications from and to other modules. 6. MMM-ImagesPhotos roramirez Show images and photos. 7. MMM-Liquipedia-Matches buxxi Displays current and upcoming pro matches in different e-sport games from Liquipedia (dota2, cs, lol etc). 8. MMM-MarsWeather rcollie Display current weather on Mars as provided by The {MAAS} API. 9. MMM-MTG crisvdn Fetches a random MTG card on a configured interval and displays this. 10. MMM-MysqlData tabsl Connect to a MySQL database, run a select query (one value) and display the result. 11. MMM-OneDrive hermanho Display your photos from Microsoft OneDrive. 12. MMM-OneTracker seeshaughnessy Use OneTracker app to deliveries/packages by forwarding from any email address. 13. MMM-OTIS Gomez0015 Machine learning AI to take input and pass it through the AI to get an answer, best use is when combined with other modules to have full control over MagicMirror² with voice. 14. MMM-PhoneDetect Pierre Gode Automatically controls the screen’s power based on the presence of specified phones or devices within the network. 15. MMM-Snake superuserx Play the retro game Snake on your mirror using your smartphone. 16. MMM-TomTomCalculateRouteTraffic teemoo7 Calculate routes with TomTom API (free), and display travel time with traffic delays. 17. MMM-WebSpeechTTS KristjanESPERANTO A Text-To-Speech module which uses the Web Speech API of the browser. It is in an early stage of development. So far only German is supported. Maintainer changed
If you use one of this modules, you should consider to switch to the new repository.
Title Author Description 1. MMM-EFA-departures sourceforge807 Station monitor for local transport companies using the EFA system. 2. MMM-Dad-Jokes brucetony Simple display of dad jokes from Marked as outdated
If you use one of these modules, consider looking for an alternative or adopting the module as a maintainer.
Title Author Description State 1. MMM-GoogleAssistant gauravsacc Google Assistant integration using python library. Activated using hotword ‘Ok Google’. Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. Seems not to work anymore. 2. MMM-Glance eouia Show specific module(s) and hide others for a some time by notification or command. AbandonedArchived. Repo has been archived at 2020-06-10.3. Hello-Lucy Mykle1 Hide/Show individual modules and pages of modules with custom audio responses that you create. Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. The installation instructions do not work with up-to-date systems. 4. MMM-NOAA3 cowboysdude Different providers for users to choose from. Shows current plus 3 day forecast. Mouseover shows forecast, with Air, UV, Humidity, Sunrise and Set. Abandoned. No reactions to issues and PRs since years. 5. MMM-PIR-Sensor-Lite Grena A module managing monitor with PIR motion sensor (automatic standby when presence isn’t detected). Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2024-01-10. There seems to be an active fork, but the clone command has not yet been adapted. 6. MMM-SFMuniBusTimes vikramraja1995 Displays the ETA of San Francisco’s MUNI Bus and Rail systems based on the given stops and routes. Abandoned. The API used no longer works, there is a new API but the developer no longer seems to be active. 7. MMM-SORT Mykle1 Static Or Rotating Tides module. Replaces/combines MMM-SimpleTides and MMM-StaticTides. Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. Missing instructions to install ‘request’. 8. MMM-SunRiseSet Mykle1 More information than you ever wanted to know about the rising and setting of the sun. Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. Missing instructions to install ‘request’. 9. wuforecast MattLugar Weather Underground Forecast Module Retrieves forecast from Weather Underground. Also adds a percentage probability of precipitation to forecast display. Deprecated. Wunderground API isn’t working anymore. 10. MMM-WunderGround RedNax67 Display weather based on wunderground API. Deprecated. Wunderground API isn’t working anymore. Check out MMM-MyWeather which is a fork with another API. 11. MMM-wundergroundBar Fifteen15Studios Minimalist Weather for the bottom_bar or thirds position of your mirror. Deprecated. Wunderground API isn’t working anymore. Help request
Can someone with an Meteoblue API key tell whether module MMM-meteoblueCurrent still works?
Hmmm… archived means not only abandoned. In some case, it is just freezing. -
@MMRIZE You are talking about MMM-Glance, right? I changed it to “Archived” :-)
@KristjanESPERANTO MMM-NOAA3 still works pretty fine. :-) I am still using it myself.
@mumblebaj Thanks for the hint! I’ve just updated the state description. But unfortunately it is still abandoned. The maintainer no longer responds to issues and PRs.