Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Default Weather Module Icon Position
@sdetweil i installed Bitvise now. The first view looks good… i will try it the next days!
@svenpisa learn developers window
see a little here -
Personally I use putty and do everything over command line. On my PC I use Notepad++ for working on files as well, then will copy and paste over to the ssh session.
@ZiggidyZ yeh, I used to do that too.
then I have 10 systems I work on, got to be too much copying.
@svenpisa I don’t understand. you have mmm-wallpaoer selected, but weather icons in class list
@sdetweil I had taken the section to see the Custom.css and weather.css on the right side. Shouldn’t the wallpaper actually be displayed?
@svenpisa as I said, confused.
in custom.css do
html { cursor: default; }
to turn on the mouse pointer over the mm content
then easier to see to select correct content
@sdetweil said in Default Weather Module Icon Position:
html {
cursor: default;
}Is the screenshot better?
@svenpisa yes, better.
so that stuff for .weathericon from custom.css, I would click off each and see the effect.
as you mouse over the settings in the right column a checkbox will appear, that u can check to disable a setting
note .weather-icon applies to ALL of the icons.
the css selector clause (stuff before the {) WILL ALWAYS match every such item on the page. you can make it more specific to get fewer elements.